Message from Pastor Debbie: July 1, 2014

Pastor CarolCommunion Sunday, Pentecost, Annual Conference, Father’s Day, Mission Trips, Sack Summer Hunger, Blood Drive, Graduation Celebrations, Parent’s Night Out, Eagle Scout Ceremonies, Piano Recitals, Vacation Bible School preparation, New Handbell Choir, etc. That is quite a list of special events and activities in the life of our church! Summers don’t slow down at Holy Covenant. So in the midst of all of this, life happens and life certainly has happened for Pastor Carol Sparks. She attended the graduation ceremonies of several relatives and then the family all descended on Carrollton for the graduation of Chelsea. 

Immediately following that weekend, came the sudden death of her niece’s husband, the father of two young girls ages 4 and 6. Travels to Houston and Tallahassee for services brought her back to Texas when her father became very ill. Pastor Carol has been given the gift of some personal time to be with her family in Houston. As of this writing, her father seems to be improving and her daughter Alex has been cleared to give birth to Rowan any day!

The church has been so gracious during this time and as you see by my list above, life goes on in the midst of our work and God surrounds us with love and grace when times get rough. I have invited Rev. Dr. Christy Thomas to preach on July 6, 2014. She will follow Jason Redick, Jim Guest and Cassie Wade bringing the message of hope and good news to us while Pastor Carol is away. Christy is most recently the pastor at Krum UMC and retired this past year. She will preach and consecrate the elements of Holy Communion. We will also have special music by a small group performing Michael Gungor’s “Beautiful Things.” If you are not familiar with this song, you can find it on YouTube or iTunes. We expect Pastor Carol back in the office on July 7 but Rowan may have other ideas! Continue to pray for this wonderful family.

Thank you for your continued support of Holy Covenant during this time both by your presence and your gifts. We have a lot to do on this corner in Carrollton. God has work for us to do!

Thanks be to God,
Pastor Debbie