September 23, 2014


in this issue

:: Adult Choir Workday

:: Youth Ringers and Singers

:: Handbells

:: Kids Choirs

:: Baby Gift

:: Music Lessons

Good afternoon!

Hope you are enjoying this somewhat cooler weather.  I am very excited a all of our choirs are off and running. I had 9 at Youth Choir this past Sunday and am hopeful that our numbers will continue to grow.

 Sunday, September 28 is our Anniversary Celebration at Holy Covenant.  All age singers will join me in leading the singing during our meal in the Covenant Center.  Bring a dish to share!  8:30 Sunday School   9:45 Worship and 11:15 meal!

*Children’s handbells have ceased rehearsals for now until we get four more ringers.  This is grades 3-5 if you know of anyone! 


*Dr. Sharon Harris has two new grandchildren, born 9/22.  Anderson Del and Verity Louise are here.  Jessica and babies are doing fine.


Here are special dates to remember along with some of the anthems scheduled: 


September 27 – Adult Choir Workshop, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Kessler Park UMC

September 28 – Stewardship Celebration and Church Anniversary  ONE SERVICE 9:45 am

   Sunday School 8:30 am    Lunch 11:15 am (potluck)  Choir “We Have Built This House”

   Covenant Carillons “On Eagles Wings”   

October 5 – World Communion – Youth sing “Bonse Aba” at 11:00 am.  Adult Choir “Hope of

   the World”

October 5 – Youth Choir Workshop  1:30 to 6:00 pm, St. Andrew UMC

October 12 – Be the Church Sunday  – One Service at 9:00 am – Youth and Adults Sing

    “Let It Shine”

October 18 – Saturday, Adult Choir Workday 9 to noon at Holy Covenant.

October 19 – Children’s Sabbath, Children and Adults sing “As a Little Child”

October 26 – Trunk or Treat

November 2 – All Saints Sunday: Youth S ing “Aina That Good News”  Adults sing “Nearer

  My God to Thee”

November 9 – Music Appreciation Sunday

December 4 – 7:00 PM, Adult Choir sings at Community Nativity Program

December 14 – Appalachian Winter Christmas Music presented by the Wesleyan Choir

and Orchestra.

My thanks to all of you for what you do! 

Pastor Debbie

[email protected]



Holy Covenant’s Music Ministry is always open to new participants.

Email [email protected] with questions about how to get started!

  Wesleyan Choir Enrichment Opportunity! 

Contact Debbie and let her know if you can attend.  Thanks!

So far there only 8 going.  Come for all or part of the day!


Church Choir Workshop at Kessler Park United Methodist Church. 

Saturday, September 27 at 9:00 am. 

Guest Clinician and Conductor

Dr. Christopher Aspaas

Associate Professor of Choral Music

St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota

The Workshop concludes with

Community Worship in Song at 4:00 pm

The event is presented by Credo, a Dallas Ecumenical Mixed Choir

Contact [email protected] or sign up in the choir room

 to make a reservation


KPUMC, 1215 Turner Road, Dallas, Texas  75208


Schedule for the day:


** Please enter the church through the double doors off the parking lot.  

8:00   Meet at Holy Covenant UMC to Carpool 

9:00   Registration in Fellowship Hall (coffee, juice, and donuts will be served)

9:30   Rehearsal begins in the sanctuary (breaks will be given at conductor’s discretion) 

12:30 Lunch in Fellowship Hall (sandwiches, chips, fruit, cookies, water, iced tea) 

1:30   Rehearsal resumes in the sanctuary 

3:30   Break

4:00  Worship in Song (Open to the Public – all welcome)

5:00  Farewell Prayer


Music will be provided.  Debbie has paid our registration and there is no cost to you.  Some of you have asked, so if you’d like to reimburse the church the cost is $20.00 per singer for music and lunch.    

Youth should plan to attend a

Youth Choral Workshop                   
    Sunday, October 5

    1:30 to 6:00 pm

Chris Crook and Taylor Davis, Clinicians

St. Andrew United Methodist Church

Plano, Texas



This is a Choral Workshop for Youth, Grades 6-12.  We will go to lunch following 11:00 Worship and then head to St. Andrews. 

We learn the music that day from two wonderful

clinicians. Debbie already has the music needed.  There will be short breakout sessions that will be fun and educational.  With no final performance, the day is totally for learning and fun!

Let Debbie know ASAP if you can attend.




Regular Rehearsals on September 21 and 28 (4:30 Bells, 5:15 Choir)

October 5:  11:00 Service  “Bonse Aba”

     Lunch and Workshop following 11:00 Service

October 12:  Join adults for one service “Let it Shine”

     No Rehearsals on October 12

Regular Rehearsals on October 19 and 26

November 2:  11:00 Service  “Ain’a That Good News”

Regular Rehearsals 2, 9 and 16

November 23:  No Rehearsals

Regular Rehearsal on November 30

December 7:  Sing in Worship 11:00 (no afternoon rehearsal)

December 13:  Rehearse with Orchestra (time tba)

December 14: Sing last song in “Appalachian Winter” Cantata

No rehearsals until January (both services)


Handbell Choirs Begin!

If you’d like to ring, contact Debbie Chapman or Joy Lasley. 

[email protected]

[email protected]

Covenant Carillons will ring for our September 28th celebration.  Remember there is only one service that day at 9:45 am  Ringers should arrive at 9:00 am to prepare.  Wear blue shirts and dark pants or skirt.


Rehearsal for Covenant Carillonsbells

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm (One ringer needed)

Joyful Noise begins rehearsing at

Sundays at 1:30 pm

Children’s bells (grades 3-5) We are not rehearsing until we have 4 more ringers!  email Debbie if you are interested!


Revelation Ringers (grades 6-12)  Sundays at 4:30 pm 

              Community Nativity
nativity exhibit

The Wesleyan Choir will sing again at the community Nativity Celebration at the Latter Day Saints Church in Carrollton on Thursday, Dec. 4 at 7:00 pm


                Kids ChoirsStar Factor Photo

Not too late to join!


Dates to sing:

Sunday, Oct. 19

Sunday Nov. 9

Dress rehearsal – TBA

Sunday, December 7 – evening program

Orchestra rehearsal – TBA

Sunday, December 14:  Sing last song in Appalachian Winter” performance.


Children’s Choir (Choir room)

Grades 1-5, Wednesdays at 6:30 pm 

Pre-schoolers sing with nursery workers during our services of worship on Sundays.


Children’s handbells will not rehearse until all 8 positions are filled.  Let Debbie know if you are in the 3rd – 5th grade and want to ring.

 Baby Girl Hinton is due in November.


The Wesleyan Choir will be passing around an envelope to accept donations for a gift card for the Hintons.  In Heather’s words, “we need everything!”  If you’d like to contribute to this gift, you can give a dontation to any adult choir member or directly to Debbie! 


Music Lessons! 
jonathan 2011 

Jonathan Kaan is teaching piano lessons at Holy Covenant.  You can contact Jonathan at [email protected] or at 972-505-1833 for more information.

Jonathan’s graduated with honors from Baylor University with a Masters Degree in Piano Pedagogy (teaching) and Performance. 


Have a Holy and Blessed Week!  God will work through us to bless our work and bless those that hear us.  I can’t thank you enough for all you do to make the music at Holy Covenant meaningful and unique.  Below is the link to sign up or unsubscribe from any of our email lists.


Thanks again for what you do to minister to Holy Covenant.

God Bless!


[email protected]

972-492-2432, X 24

972-849-5372, Cell

 HC Logo 2line

Many are allergic to perfume and lotions.  Keep that in mind for rehearsals and Sunday mornings.