That 70’s Auction! –October 25, 2014

To help mark our church’s 40th anniversary, this year’s dinner and auction will have a 70s theme, so put on the puka shell necklace, tie on those earth shoes, pocket your pet rock, and come join us for an evening of fun, fellowship, and fundraising!
The auction is set for Saturday, October 25. The evening will start with a catered dinner and silent auction, followed by a live auction. You will be hearing much more about the event in the coming weeks, but there are a couple of things you can do now to help. First, if you have any photos from the 70s that you wouldn’t mind in a slide show, please get those to Randy Lasley. Second, we always need help with making the event a success. Even if meetings aren’t your bag, we need folks to help in a variety of ways before, during, and after the auction. These include: soliciting donated items, decorating the Covenant Center for dinner and the sanctuary for the auction, check-out cashiering, tear down and resetting the sanctuary. Just let a member of the auction committee know that you would like to get involved, and we will definitely find a place for you!
Peace Out,
Holy Covenant Auction Committee (Randy and Joy Lasley, Rusty and Jill Yull, Mark and Connie McAnally, Elliott and Melissa Beard, Teresa O, Susan Blassingame, Sheli Erenberger, Pat Mills)