Children’s Chatter Newsletter: February 2015

Holy Covenant UMC  

Children’s Chatter Newsletter

Sundays at Holy Covenant

Provided for our 8:30 & 11:00 am worship services for Infants to Kindergarten in Rm. 101 (children are usually divided into

several groups by age)


Sunday School

For all ages

9:45 – 10:45 am:

3’s – Pre-K – 105



Kind. – 5th graders will now start out together in the new gathering room – 207 at 9:45, then go to their classrooms below!

K – 2nd Grade – 202

3rd – 5th – 206

February 2015


It’s already February 2015! Time flies! We have great changes going on in our children’s ministries at Holy Covenant and want you and your children to be part of all the excitement! Please read and see what is coming up! We are working to help nurture your children and family in faith and discipleship. Be part of what’s going on! Volunteer to help serve! Many opportunities are available.


Please let me know how you are willing to help! Please let me know what your questions and concerns are!


Grace & peace,  



Bean Bag Chairs and Floor Pillows 


We are collecting newish and gently used bean bag chairs and floor pillows for our elementary Sunday School gathering! If you have these to donate, please bring to room 207 or to round table under the stairway. Thank you!!!



Parent’s Night Out

February 20th 


Infants through 5th graders 

Reservations are required by the Wednesday at noon before the PNO date – [email protected] .


Note!! We have a maximum number of children we can accommodate, so make reservations early!


You may drop off and pick up children anytime during the designated hours. PNO meets in the Covenant Center/Gym. Cost will be $6 per child; $15 max per family. Bring a dinner and drink for your child(ren) if they haven’t eaten.  


Upcoming Dates – March 20 & April 24 (note change to 4th Friday) 


Upcoming Events

 Family Easter Event and Egg Hunt

Saturday, April 3 from 3-5 pm


Vacation Bible Camp
June 15-19  – Please note change to June!

EVEREST – A Mountain-Top Experience of Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power  


We will need lots of helpers! Please let Ryan Baumgardner or Heather Hinton know if you want to volunteer to help!

Registration will start soon!


Music and Fine Arts Camp
August 3-7 

More info and registration coming soon!