It’s so great to finally be feeling close to 100% healthy. After spending New Years Day at the Urgent Care office being diagnosed with Strep Throat, I’ve been trying to get fully over it. Between the Civil Rights Bus Tour and planning other new ministry opportunities in the life of the church, I’ve been unable to get out the email recently. My apologies, as I know this is valuable to you and your family to see and read what’s going on, I’ll be sure to stay on top of it in the weeks to come. Of particular note this weekend, we’ll be meeting with our primary planners of the Summer trip we’re planning where we’ll combine our mission trip and choir tour for a huge trip to Orlando! We’ll sing and hold concerts, serve in a mission capacity, and enjoy some time at Disney World! The tentative dates we’re looking at June 20-28. We envision this to be a great time for all, there is no requirement to sing to join, but we would love to be able to highlight any musical skills your youth might have. As parents, if you can swing by for this meeting, we’d love to have you! We’ll communicate more details as we chart them out.

Super Bowl Party this Sunday!
Pastor Carol is hosting us again for the Super Bowl! We’ll meet at the parsonage, 1021 E. Seminole Trl Carrollton, Tx at 5 pm, feel free to drop off as early as 4:30 if you want to be back in your home by the time festivities begin. Pastor Carol and her family are excited to try some new Pinterest recipes with us and we’ll also be joined by a couple of the churches from Civil Rights Bus Tour. We’ll have plenty of food, we ask that youth bring their favorite soda or beverage to share and feel free to wear their favorite sports or football team’s gear! The party will end at the end of the game, so I think that might be between 8 and 8:30 unless we have overtime! We’ll also have some games to play in case the game is a blowout like it was last year. I’ll send out a text to remind and would love to know if your youth is gonna make it.

Winter Retreat Feb 13-15
It’s that time of the year for us to get away together and spend some time with God. We will (weather permitting) return to Turner Falls (Deer Creek Lodge) like our tradition has been. Click here for our Info sheet and Registration form. If you don’t have current Medical info and waiver click here and you can print, then fill that out. This is a great time of rejuvenation and community building that we experience together, I highly recommend every youth to attend, and we’ll need a few adults to join us as well- contact me if you’re interested. Scarlett Bayard will be cooking so I’m sure our meals will be fantastic! Also, I’d recommend inviting a friend along as it’s a great opportunity for folks to get connected and feel a part of our community. I’ll be inviting some of the youth who live near the church as well! If nothing else motivates you, know there will be fried pies to enjoy on Saturday afternoon!!

A New Small Group for Youth Parents!
One of the new opportunities that I’ve been discussing is a new small group, with a specific goal of reaching parents- especially parents of youth! Everyone needs a small group to connect with, be open with, and learn with. Through conversations with Mark Millar, the thought is to provide a new small group that would actually take place during UMYF, 6/6:30 until 7:30/8 pm on Sundays. The idea being that it could be easy to drop your youth off, then join the group. There’s an exciting new curriculum that is being looked at that really focuses on conversation and practical application of understanding and living out our Covenant with God as Christians. Is this something that interests you? If so, shoot me a message or reach out to Mark so we can get continue the planning.
Save the Date~
Feb 1st at 12:15
Mission and Music trip planning session
Feb 7th
Harvey’s Kids
Feb 22nd
Confirmation Lunch and Hot Topics
Feb 27th
Visit to Synagogue
March 14th
Harvey’s Kids
March 15th
Confirmation Lunch and Hot Topics
Senior Sunday
May 17th
Confirmation Sunday
June 7th
Leading the Church
During the last Youth Council meeting, I asked the youth to ponder ways that we, as young people, can lead the Church. This is directly from conversations with Pastor Carol about how we can become more fully integrated into the life and ministry of the Church.
This past Sunday before we went to worship with Camino de Vida (a Spanish language congregation) the Confirmands explored ways we can more accurately reflect our community. I’d like to continue those conversations both with our youth and with the Church as a whole.
What is it that gets your youth fired up about being connected to our youth program/church? What is it that holds them back?
These questions reveal who and what we are called to be as a group. Please let me know if there are ways I can more effectively minister with your youth.