Message from Pastor Carol: April 1, 2015


What does it mean for us to be a people of Easter? It means we believe that God is not dead! God is not an obsolete ideal of our forefathers but rather an on-going creative, loving and healing force in our world today. We further believe that as disciples of Jesus Christ we are agents of this redemptive God. Therefore, we believe that our very lives are extensions of God’s grace for all who abide on earth. This is a huge call to a huge mission but this is the ideal of being a people who believe that God can conquer even death to make love real for all the world. Over the next six weeks, we are going to explore the tasks, principles and actions that transform our belief into truth and our faith into action. 


April 5th          Easter Sunday

Theme: Christ the Lord is risen – have you? How are you going to remember what Jesus told you during your Lenten journey to the cross? How are you going to hold onto the truth of who you are becoming?

Sermon Text: Luke 24:1-12

Sermon Title: “Remember how he told you…”


April 12th         Second Sunday of Easter                         Communion Sunday

Theme: We are people who believe and rejoice in the life, death and resurrection of Easter. Do we know what it feels like to have our hearts burn within us? We have learned so much about ourselves and God through Lent and now we must open ourselves to recognize God when God appears to us.

Sermon Text: 24:13-35

Sermon Title: How is your heart?


April 19th          Third Sunday of Easter

Theme: We must figure out what we need to allow ourselves to be bold in our belief – so bold in fact that we anticipate God’s promise of the Holy Spirit. Our lives must be ordered by our trust that the Spirit will lead us in our life and work. Doubt must give way to expectancy.

Sermon Text: Luke 24:36-49

Sermon Title: From Doubt to Anticipation


April 26th          Fourth Sunday of Easter

Theme: People of the Good News “do”. How did Jesus know he was anointed by God? He had a job to do. How do we know we are an Easter People? We must bring “good news” in very tangible ways to those waiting to experience it.

Sermon Text: Luke 4:16-22

Sermon Title: Five Finger Mission


May 3rd          Fifth Sunday of Easter                                   Communion Sunday

Theme: As Easter People we not only take on the role of a servant, we must take on the heart of one who finds joy in bringing pleasure to another. We must find a place of honest gratitude for being given the privilege to serve.

Sermon Text: Luke 14: 1-11 & 22:24-27

Sermon Title: Great at Being Grateful


May 10th          Sixth Sunday of Easter

Theme: As Easter People, we are to be a people of love and openness – even to the difficult people. Person by person, relationship by relationship, conflict by conflict we must determine who we are going to be and how we are going to behave.

Sermon Text: Luke 6: 27-38

Sermon Title: The Golden Rule as a Life Ethic

Blessings, Pastor Carol