Message from Pastor Carol: October 1 2015

Extravagant Generosity has been our theme for the past four weeks in telling our story as a church during our stewardship campaign. I believe this act of being generous is a call to allowing our hearts to be more open. God has asked us all to be more open with our love, our wisdom, our encouragement, and our resources. What is the gift we get in return? Our lives become filled by the responses of generosity that we are extending to others. Our lives have more love, we become wiser, we are encouraged through relationships and we discover the real power of time and money to change lives.
Our first week, we shared what we love about our church; The second week, we shared who we love in our church; and, the third week, we shared our hopes and dreams for our church. How did or will you respond to these questions? To answer, we must take a moment to reflect on our lives as members of community. For some of us this has been a long experience of growth and maturation and for others of us we are just beginning our story. Either way, each of us has a story to be written here and God has called us all here to be active characters in God’s story of love and hope told through the life and ministry of Holy Covenant United Methodist Church.
When I pay attention to what God is doing in our church, I cannot help but see what God is calling us to do. I believe that God is calling us to continue to enter into relationship with our community members by being open to new experiences and people. I believe God has tapped each of us on the shoulder and asked us to accept our call to be leaders in the church and world. I am confident we are called to meet the current and future needs of the 75+ children and youth currently attending our church and I trust that God has equipped and resourced us to bring the financial gifts we need to fund our ~ 700,000 budget.
These are big things I seem to know about our church. I guess I dream big when it comes to our church because I know how amazing each and every one of you really is. If everyone one of us is willing to participate in the story of Christ in 2016 in our service and our offering, we really can write a narrative that tells and offers of the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are a people of faith, hope and love and the greatest of these qualities for us is love. Imagine how many people need this story in their lives. Imagine how extravagantly rich our lives will be when we live into our story.
Pastor Carol