Sunday is the day when we celebrate all participants in the Music Ministry!
Youth Choir members will play instruments for the Gathering Music at 8:30 and 11:00. Children sing the Prelude, Adult sing the Anthem and Covenant Carillons ring the Offertory. All participants should wear their royal blue music shirts. If you don’t have one, contact Debbie OR wear a royal blue shirt of your choice.
Arrival times: 7:40 am Covenant Carillons, 8:00 Adult Choir and instrumentalists, 8:15 Children and Youth.
November 22 – Christ the King Sunday, Debbie out, 11:00 anthem is Soon and Very Soon. Gary Feltner is the song leader. No Youth Rehearsals.
November 29 – 1st Sunday in Advent – Joyful Noise Ringers at Both services, Adult Choir at 11:00 singing Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus. Youth will rehearse on the 29th!
December 3 – Thursday at 7:00 pm, Adult Choir at Community Nativity Display
December 5 – Saturday at 2:00 pm, Carrollton Square Caroling, Adult Choir
December 6 – Children’s Musical at 9:45. Youth at both services, Adults at 11:00.
December 13 – “Child of Hope” Cantata at both services
December 20 – Adult Choir and Covenant Carillons at Both services
December 24 – 5:00 family services, 7:00 Candlelight with Adult Choir, 11:00 Candlelight and Communion with Covenant Vocal Band