Adult Choir Workday – October 17, 9 to Noon. It is an important rehearsal! 3 hours of focus on “Child of Hope with Rev. Suzi Byrd. Ad Council has been scheduled during this time and I have been assured that choir members will be missed but excused for this rehearsal. NEW CHOIR MEMBERS are invited to this rehearsal. Bring treats to share! Please join us for Christmas music!
Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 6:30 pm upstairs in the Education Building.
No registration required. Just come!
We have begun to include chime ringing as a part of this experience!
Dates to Remember:
November 15 – Music Appreciation
Dec. 6 – Children’s Musical at 9:45 am
Parents are needed to rotate attendance at rehearsals. Let them know if you are available to be an adult presence at rehearsal when needed.
Melanie Luce and Donna Roberts, Directors
Child of Hope by Mark Hayes
Christmas Cantata, December 13, 2015
Mark your calendar for our Work Day on October 17 from 9 to Noon in the choir room.
New Singers are invited and should come to this rehearsal!
Learning CD’s are prepared.
Books are ready!
Come join us for our Christmas Cantata. Mark your calendars for a Choral Work Day on October 17 from 9 to Noon! Rev. Suzi Byrd is going to be our clinician and you won’t want to miss working with her. Her love of singing is contagious.
Rehearsal Schedule
6:30 – 7:30 pm Children’s Choir and Chimes
6:30 – 7:30 pm Covenant Carillons (bells)
7:30 – 9:00 pm Wesleyan Choir (adults)
2:00 – 3:00 pm Joyful Noise (bells)
4:00 – 4:30 pm Revelation Ringers (Youth)
4:30 – 5:00 pm Revelation Singers (Youth
*Ringers needed in all groups. Contact Debbie for placement. [email protected]
*Singers – Always welcome!!!
Music Lessons!
Jonathan Kaan is teaching piano lessons at Holy Covenant. You can contact Jonathan at [email protected] or at 972-505-1833 for more information.
Jonathan’s graduated with honors from Baylor University with a Masters Degree in Piano Pedagogy (teaching) and Performance.
Youth Ringers and Singers Grades 6-12
Rehearsals resume October 18!
Important rehearsal because be sing and ring on October 25! Wear BLUE choir shirts!
Bells at 4:00 pm
Choir at 4:30 pm
Sing in Worship on October 25 – both services.
Wesleyan Choir
All Age Adults!
Wednesdays at 7:30 pm
7:30 to 8:15 anthems
8:15 to 9:00 Sectionals for “Child of Hope”
Mark your calendar for our Workday on October 17, from 9 to noon.
We sing at 11:00 worship services on a regular basis and at the 8:30 service, once a month. Debbie is looking for solos and small groups to present music at one or both services.
#3 Joyful Noise Handbell Choir – Beginning and Intermediate Ringers. Rehearsing Sundays at 2:00 pm [email protected]
#4 Covenant Carillons – Intermediate to Advanced Handbell Choir – Debbie Chapman, director. There are two openings in this group.
Handbell ringing requires a commitment to regular rehearsals.
Have a Holy and Blessed Week! God will work through us to bless our work and bless those that hear us. I can’t thank you enough for all you do to make the music at Holy Covenant meaningful and unique. Below is the link to sign up or unsubscribe from any of our email lists.
Thanks again for what you do to minister to Holy Covenant.