Music Ministry Weekly News! 06/10/2015



Music News 

June 10, 2015 

music staff


in this issue

:: Mark Miller Concert

:: Youth Ringers and Singers

:: Handbells

:: Music Lessons

:: Fine Arts Week

Adult Choir to Northaven UMC instead of regular rehearsal.

All ages invited!

Presenting Mark Miller


Wednesday, June 10th

Northaven UMC

11211 Preston Road,

Dallas, TX 75230

Potluck at 6 pm

Mark Miller at 7 pm


Join Northaven for an evening of songs and stories from one of Methodism’s best known contemporary composer/performers. Mark will share songs and stories from his life in the United Methodist Church. We’ll start the evening with a potluck meal with members from congregations who welcome LGBT persons. Then, Mark will share songs and observations on, in his words, “what it’s like to be brown and gay in the UMC.” Mark Miller is the composer of many well-known contemporary church hymns and songs, such as “Draw the Circle Wide” and “Imagine the People of God.” His choral anthems are best sellers for Abingdon Press and Choristers Guild and his hymns are published in “Worship & Song”, and “The Faith We Sing.” Mark is on faculty at Drew University, and a lecturer at Yale. He believes passionately that music can change the world and, as Cornell West’s says, that “Justice is what love looks like in public.”


To Carpool, meet at Holy Covenant at 5:15 pm.  Debbie will drive the church Suburban.

I have not heard from anyone wishing to carpool at a later time, so I will assume you have talked amongst yourselves.  You are welcome to meet at Northaven.  




June 10:  Mark Miller Concert (see article for more information)  No Adult rehearsal

June 14: Communion Sunday:  10,000 Reasons (11:00)   Gary Feltner Offertoy at both

June 17: Adult Rehearsal, 7:00 pm

June 21: VBS Sunday:  10,000 Reasons (8:30)   Youth Choir sings Tour Music (11:00)  VBS   

              Kids Sing

June 22:  BON VOYAGE CONCERT – 7:00 pm

June 24: No Rehearsal – Debbie on Choir Tour

June 28: No Adult Anthem – Music by Andrea Millaway and Bill Franklin (Debbie on Choir Tour)

July – Choir on Haitis from rehearsals.  Arrive 10:30 am to prepare for 11:00 service

July 5 –  Debbie on Vacation  Music – Rhett Reasonover; Bruce Allen and Gary Feltner

July 12 – Our God (11:00)

July 19 – Christ Has Broken Down the Walls (11:00)  Debbie to Music Convocation in Indiana

July 26 – Give Me Jesus (11:00)  Debbie on Vacation

August 5 and 12 – Combined Youth, Children and Adult Rehearsal at 7:00 pm

August 16 – BIG Sunday – Back to Church and Choir

Believe, with faith, trust and pixie dust!  Music and Mission to Orlando, Florida.  We will leave Tuesday, June 23 in the evening and return on June 29.  See block below for more information.   Bon Voyage Concert, Monday, June 22 at 7:00 pm!


Dates to Remember

June 8 – 12 – Prep Week for VBS  – HELP NEEDED!

June 15-19 – Vacation Bible School

June 21 – Youth Sing at 11:00 Service

June 22 – Bon Voyage concert for Believe Trip

June 23-29 Believe, Music and Mission Trip

July – No Adult Choir Rehearsals

August 3-8 – Fine Arts Camp


Mark your calendars for October 3 for “Gospel Night” at Holy Covenant.  Bob Michael is the coordinator.  Stay tuned for more details.


[email protected]


Holy Covenant’s Music Ministry is always open to new participants.

Email [email protected] with questions about how to get started!

    Revelation Ringers and Singers
Grades 6-12 

Mark your calendars     


Important rehearsals:

Sunday, June 14 – Tour Rehearsal at 5:00 pm

        (VBS Week rehearsals TBA)

Sunday, June 21 –

Youth sing at 11:00 Worship Service

Tour Rehearsal – 3 to 6 pm Choir Room and Sanctuary

Monday, June 22 – Tour Rehearsals – 10 am to Noon, lunch, Rehearse 1 to 3:00 pm. 6:00 return for

7:00 pm Godspell Concert.

Tuesday, June 23 – prepare for trip

        Meet at Holy Covenant around at 3:30 pm

        Leave from Holy Covenant at 4:00 pm


We are collecting health forms and Code of Conduct forms.  Email Debbie if you need either of these.

Adults must have health forms also. 


Choir Mission Tour, 2015 


The cost after fundraising will be $250.00  Scholarships are available Final Payment is due now!  Adults attending are Debbie Chapman, Jason Redick, Melissa Marsh, Melanie Luce, Grant Dermody and Jim McKee.

                Summer Handbells

We have a small group playing on Sunday, June 14. 


If you are interested in playing July 12 or August 16, I need to hear from you. 



One and Done Bell Choir!

Rehearse 4 or 5 times then play in church and you are done!   Email [email protected] if you are interested


Music Lessons! 
jonathan 2011 

Jonathan Kaan is teaching piano lessons at Holy Covenant.  You can contact Jonathan at [email protected] or at 972-505-1833 for more information.

Jonathan’s graduated with honors from Baylor University with a Masters Degree in Piano Pedagogy (teaching) and Performance. 

           Fine Arts Week
                  It’s Time to  Register



Teachers and shepherds needed!Joseph from the Pit to the Palace










Ashley Kees is co-chairing this event with me.  Ashley’s email is [email protected]

Registration is up on our website

The cost is $20 per child/ no more than $40 per family. 

[email protected]   or   972-849-5372

Have a Holy and Blessed Week!  God will work through us to bless our work and bless those that hear us.  I can’t thank you enough for all you do to make the music at Holy Covenant meaningful and unique.  Below is the link to sign up or unsubscribe from any of our email lists.


Thanks again for what you do to minister to Holy Covenant.

God Bless!


[email protected]

972-492-2432, X 23

972-849-5372, Cell

 HC Logo 2line

Many are allergic to perfume and lotions.  Keep that in mind for rehearsals and Sunday mornings.