Music Ministry Weekly News! 1/20/15




January 20, 2015


wesleyan choir 2011


in this issue

:: Street Requiem

:: Dallas Summer Musicals Academy

:: Kids Choirs

:: Youth Ringers and Singers

:: Voice Lessons

:: Handbells

:: Music Lessons



Sunday, January 25 after the 11:00 service (around 12:15 pm) we’ll have a Music Council meeting in the choir room.  All are invited but especially those who have a responsibility for a  particular area. Come if you have ideas to share or just to listen!


Music Council:

President:  Jennifer Baumgardner

Logistics:  Rick Harrell

Music Librarian:  Susan Kasten

Handbell Rep:  Joy Lasley

Children’s Choir Rep:  Melanie Luce

Instrumental Rep:  Efrain Sain

Event Coordinator:  OPEN  (current events are Cabaret, Spring Ring, Fall Recruitment, etc.)

Youth Rep:  Taylor Loudermilk

Sunshine:  Movalynn McKee

Worship Ministry Council Chair:  Melissa Marsh


Come prepared to talk look at 2015 and talk about events and priorities.  No lunch provided so we won’t be tempted to meet long!


Sunday’s music (1/25) includes:  Prelude – Jonathan Kaan, Adult Choir Anthem – Lord, I Stretch My Hands, Offertory – God Help the Outcasts (Andrea Millaway)


Youth – we do rehearse on 1/25 but not on Feb. 1.  4:30 bells, 5:15 Choir  Please make an effort to attend on January 25. Contact me if you’d like to be considered for the one open bell position.


[email protected]


Holy Covenant’s Music Ministry is always open to new participants.

Email [email protected] with questions about how to get started!

Street Requiem

January 25, 2015

Dallas City Performance Hall

7:00 PM


Famed mezzo-soprano, Frederica von Stade will join Credo Choir, the Dallas Street Choir and the Richland College Chamber Singers in a performance of Street Requiem, by Australian composers, Kathleen McGuire, Andy Payne and Jonathon Welch.

Street Requiem is scored for mixed choir, soloists and chamber ensemble, aims to bring a sense of peace, remembrance and hope to communities struggling with homelessness and street violence. The work is neither secular nor religious, but is intended to be spiritual and includes English and African lyrics, as well as traditional Latin texts. While at times deeply moving, the work is optimistic and uplifting, and employs gospel, Celtic, neo-Romantic, neo-Baroque and contemporary compositional styles and instrumentation to reflect the multicultural and multi-faith traditions of modern city living.


This is the choir we worked with in the Fall. Sheli Erenberger joined this choir and will be in the production.  Let’s get a group together to go!  Let Debbie know!

Dallas Summer Musicals

Academy of Performing Arts

Enrollling for Winter/Spring Classes

Ages 6-12


Go to:



                Kids Choirs


Wednesdays at 6:30 pm – grades 1-5! 



Children’s Choir (Choir room)

Grades 1-5, Wednesdays at 6:30 pm 

Pre-schoolers sing with nursery workers during our services of worship on Sundays.


Children’s handbells will not rehearse until all 8 positions are filled.  Let Debbie know if you are in the 3rd – 5th grade and want to ring.

    Revelation Ringers and Singers


Rehearsal Sunday at 5:15 pm (bells 4:30 pm)

No Rehearsal on February 1 due to Super Bowl party at UMYF


Mark your calendars for roughly June 20-28.  We are going to combine Music and Mission.  Details are in the works but I see Florida on the horizon!  Singers, Ringers and Workers, plan to attend! We’ll work with our hands, our hearts and our voices!

Spaghetti Dinner and Talent Show is going to be March 1st.  Start thinking about what you want to do for the show! 

FYI, we are not planning a Valentine Bake Sale this year……..


New Voice Studio:

Erin Alcorn, Soprano

$40/ hour, $35/ 45 min, $20/ half hour 

She teaches in her home studio in Coppell, Texas

[email protected]



Handbell Choirs


Covenant Carillons  Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

There is one opening in this bell choir!  Contact Debbie if you are interested


Joyful Noise  Sundays at 1:30 pm

Joyful Noise is planning to participate in the

Greater Dallas Handbell Association’s handbell festival on

February 21st, 2015: 

Intermediate Clinician: Stephanie Rhoades
Location: University Park UMC, 
4024 Caruth Blvd. Dallas, TX 75225


Children’s bells (grades 3-5)

We are not rehearsing until we have 4 more ringers! 

Email Debbie if you are interested!


Revelation Ringers (grades 6-12)  Sundays at 4:30 pm


Mark your calendars -Sunday, April 26 for our annual Spring Ring.

Let Joy and Debbie know if you would like to be on the planning team for this event.


To join a bell choir contact Debbie at [email protected] or Joy Lasley at [email protected]



Music Lessons! 
jonathan 2011 

Jonathan Kaan is teaching piano lessons at Holy Covenant.  You can contact Jonathan at [email protected] or at 972-505-1833 for more information.

Jonathan’s graduated with honors from Baylor University with a Masters Degree in Piano Pedagogy (teaching) and Performance. 

Have a Holy and Blessed Week!  God will work through us to bless our work and bless those that hear us.  I can’t thank you enough for all you do to make the music at Holy Covenant meaningful and unique.  Below is the link to sign up or unsubscribe from any of our email lists.


Thanks again for what you do to minister to Holy Covenant.

God Bless!


[email protected]

972-492-2432, X 24

972-849-5372, Cell

 HC Logo 2line

Many are allergic to perfume and lotions.  Keep that in mind for rehearsals and Sunday mornings.