Music Ministry Weekly News! 4/28/15



Music News 

April 28, 2015 


Thanks to all participants for a great evening

of ringing and singing!


in this issue

:: Youth Ringers and Singers

:: Kids Choirs

:: Music Lessons



Thanks to ALL that rang and attended our Spring Ring on Sunday evening.  Thanks especially to Joy Lasley for her leadership that made this event possible. We raised around $1,100 for our handbell ministry.  All handbell choirs have finished rehearsing for the school year.  See the handbell article below for summer plans.  We are having a polishing party this Wednesday at 6:30 pm.  All are welcome!


Breakfast Fundraiser for Youth Mission.  This Sunday, May 3 from 8 to 10:30 am in the gym.  All youth and parents are needed to help set up, serve and clean up.  See YOU Sunday.


YOUTH SING at the 8:30 Service. “Hear My Words” Come to choir room at 8:15 am to warm up.

Adults sing at 11:00 service.  “Speak, O Lord”


Technicolor Promise! Sunday, May 24th during the Sunday School hour.  Children in grades 1-5 present this musical about God’s Covenant symbolized by the rainbow.  ROYGBIV!


Godspell, Sunday, May 31.  Youth from St. Stephens United Methodist Church in Concert.  Plan to come and support this group.  There will be a dinner for the group prior to their performance at 7:00 pm


Believe, with faith, trust and pixie dust!  Music and Mission to Orlando, Florida.  We will leave Tuesday, June 23 in the evening and return on June 29.  See block below for more information.


Nursery is provided for all music events when needed.  If you know you will need nursery, let Debbie Chapman know one week prior to the event so that nursery workers can be obtained.

[email protected]


Dates to Remember

May 2 – Junktique all day!

May 3 – Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

May 10 – Mother’s Day – Children, age 3 – 5th Grade to sing in Worship at 8:30 and 11:00

May 17 – Senior Sunday

May 24 – Children’s Musical  (10:00 am)  Technicolor Promise

June 15-19 – Vacation Bible Camp

July 23-29 Believe, Music and Mission Trip

July – No Adult Choir Rehearsals

August 3-8 – Fine Arts Camp


Mark your calendars for October 3 for “Gospel Night” at Holy Covenant.  Bob Michael is the coordinator.  Stay tuned for more details.


[email protected]


Holy Covenant’s Music Ministry is always open to new participants.

Email [email protected] with questions about how to get started!

    Revelation Ringers and Singers
Grades 6-12 

Mark your calendars     

Sunday, May 3 –

        Youth help prepare Breakfast. Arrive at 7:45 am

        Sing at 8:30 Service  Wear Choir Shirts and black pants.  Closed toed shoes.

        Tour Rehearsal at 5:00 pm

Sunday, May 10 – Tour Rehearsal at 5:00 pm

Sunday, May 17 – Senior Sunday – we sing at (Jason are we at both services?)

        TourRehearsal at 5:00 pm

Sunday, May 24 – No Rehearsal, Memorial Day Weekend

Sunday, May 31 – Tour Rehearsal at 4:00 pm upstairs

        Dinner at 5:00 with St. Stephens UMC, 6:00 pm parent meeting prior to 7:00 pm concert.

Sunday, June 7 – No Rehearsals

Sunday, June 14 – Tour Rehearsal at 5:00 pm

        (VBS Week rehearsals TBA)

Sunday, June 21 – Tour Rehearsal – 3 to 6 pm Choir Room and Sanctuary

Monday, June 22 – Tour Rehearsals – 10 am to Noon, lunch, Rehearse 1 to 3:00 pm. 6:00 return for 7:00 pm Concert.

Tuesday, June 23 – prepare for trip

        Meet at Holy Covenant around at 4:00 pm (not confirmed)

        Leave from Holy Covenant at 5:00 pm (not confirmed)


Choir Mission Tour, 2015 


*We will leave Tuesday, June 23 in the evening and return on June 29. 

*All youth in grades 6-12 are invited.

*We only have a couple of spots left on the bus. 

*Please let Debbie or Jason know ASAP if you are going. 


*The cost after fundraising will be around $200 ($250 including deposit) each.  Of course, money should not keep your youth from attending. Scholarships are available.  We would like the $50 deposit now.  $100 will be due on May 1 and $100 on June 1.  Please keep June 22 and 23 open for rehearsals. 


*Non-singers/ringers are welcome and encouraged to come.  We will have 3 days of mission work in addition to a day at Disney World and music concerts.  Adults attending are Debbie Chapman, Jason Redick, Melissa Marsh, Melanie Luce and Jim McKee.

Kids Choirs 

technicolor promise  


Remember these kids!  They were in Technicolor Promise the last time we did it at Holy Covenant.  This musical is SO much fun and our children can’t wait to do it again! 

Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm!

The performance is on Sunday, May 24th during the Sunday School hour.

The dress rehearsal is Saturday, May 23 from 9 to noon.


Children’s handbells will be open to all elementary children (grades 1-5) to play in the Spring Ring Concert on April 26.  We’ll rehearse April 22 to prepare. Wednesday, 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary.  There are spots for 2 more children.

Mother’s Day, May 10 – All Children, ages 3 – grade 5 from Sunday School to Sing Prelude at both services.  arrive at 8:15 am to prepare for 8:30 worship and 10:45 am to prepare for 11:00 worship 


 Pre-schoolers sing with nursery workers during our services of worship on Sundays.

                Summer Handbells

One and Done Bell Choir!

Rehearse 4 or 5 times then play in church and you are done!   Now recruiting! 

Email [email protected] if you are interested



Hymns!  12 Ringers Needed!

Handbells will accompany hymns three times this summer.  Simple accompaniments.

12 Ringers needed per service from 3rd grade through Adult.  Simply arrive at 7:45 am to prepare for both services.  Debbie is compiling a list for each date below.  Do one or all.  When 12 slots are filled, I’ll put you on a waiting list.

[email protected]



June 14

July 12

August 16



Music Lessons! 
jonathan 2011 

Jonathan Kaan is teaching piano lessons at Holy Covenant.  You can contact Jonathan at [email protected] or at 972-505-1833 for more information.

Jonathan’s graduated with honors from Baylor University with a Masters Degree in Piano Pedagogy (teaching) and Performance. 

Have a Holy and Blessed Week!  God will work through us to bless our work and bless those that hear us.  I can’t thank you enough for all you do to make the music at Holy Covenant meaningful and unique.  Below is the link to sign up or unsubscribe from any of our email lists.


Thanks again for what you do to minister to Holy Covenant.

God Bless!


[email protected]

972-492-2432, X 23

972-849-5372, Cell

 HC Logo 2line

Many are allergic to perfume and lotions.  Keep that in mind for rehearsals and Sunday mornings.