Music Ministry Weekly News! 7/7/15



Music News 

July 7, 2015 

music staff


in this issue

:: Handbells

:: Youth Ringers and Singers

:: Fine Arts Week

:: Music Lessons



July – No Adult Choir Rehearsals on Wednesdays. When presenting an anthem, arrive 10:30 am to prepare for 11:00 service

July 12 – Adult Anthem – Our God (11:00)

July 19 – Adult Anthem – Christ Has Broken Down the Walls (11:00)  Debbie to Music Convocation in Indiana

July 26 – Adult Anthem – Give Me Jesus (11:00) 

August 5 and 12 – Combined Youth, Children and Adult Rehearsal at 7:00 pm

August 16 – BIG Sunday – Childen, Youth and Adults sing for special worship and dinner following. This Sunday is the kick off for fall programming

August 19 – All regular rehearsals begin.


Mark your calendars for October 3 for “Gospel Night” at Holy Covenant.  Bob Michael is the coordinator.   

[email protected]


Holy Covenant’s Music Ministry is always open to new participants.

Email [email protected] with questions about how to get started!

               Shhhh! its a surprise!


Paul Chapman is turning 70!  Drop by and wish him a Happy Birthday!


Andrea Brubaker

  •   Phone:


  • When:

Saturday, July 11th from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

  • Where:

Chapman House  4551 Risinghill DrPlano, TX 75024 

No gifts please! 

The new pool won’t be swim ready “boo!”

We’ll invite you to take a dip at another time.  

  BIG Sunday Handbell Choir

August 16


Ringers!  Please mark your calendars for August 16.  We (any ringers, children, youth or adult) will rehearse on Wednesday, August 12 at 6:30 pm.  We will have a fun handbell choir for our BIG Sunday, August 16!  This will help kick-off our handbell year!

Please let Debbie (me) know if you will play on August 16 so that I can choose appropriate music!

[email protected] 

     Believe Tour 2015

We sang, cleaned gutters, worked on flower beds, organized an attic and library.

We represented Holy Covenant well.  

Thanks for teaching us about love and grace!


 Fine Arts Week
 It’s Time to  Register



NOW IS THE TIME TO COMMIT TO HELPING WITH THIS EVENT.  Don’t assume that all areas are covered.  We are waiting to hear from YOU!


Teachers and shepherds needed!Joseph from the Pit to the Palace










Ashley Kees is co-chairing this event with me.  Ashley’s email is [email protected]

Registration is up on our website

The cost is $20 per child/ no more than $40 per family. 

[email protected]   or   972-849-5372

Music Lessons! 
jonathan 2011 

Jonathan Kaan is teaching piano lessons at Holy Covenant.  You can contact Jonathan at [email protected] or at 972-505-1833 for more information.

Jonathan’s graduated with honors from Baylor University with a Masters Degree in Piano Pedagogy (teaching) and Performance. 

Have a Holy and Blessed Week!  God will work through us to bless our work and bless those that hear us.  I can’t thank you enough for all you do to make the music at Holy Covenant meaningful and unique.  Below is the link to sign up or unsubscribe from any of our email lists.


Thanks again for what you do to minister to Holy Covenant.

God Bless!


[email protected]

972-492-2432, X 23

972-849-5372, Cell

 HC Logo 2line

Many are allergic to perfume and lotions.  Keep that in mind for rehearsals and Sunday mornings.