Service Check-Up: June 2015

Service Check-Up

Holy Covenant UMC 

June 2015

In This Issue

Sack Summer Hunger

Computer Classes

Food Pantry



Capital Punishment

Youth First

International Peace Day

Elijah Connection


Upcoming Meetings

Missions           May 11 6:30

Advocates        May 16 7:00

Check Out Advocates:


Check out the Holy Covenant Website for the new updated description of your Advocates for Justice and Peace.  With fidelity to the DNA of Holy Covenant, we invite all to join us at our regularly scheduled monthly meetings.  Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 16th.  We hope see you there!

Consider this:

44% of our neighborhood has no more than a High School education.


28% of the families in our neighborhood are below the poverty level.  For a family of 4, that’s $23,850.


Our neighbors have a higher employment rate than the rest of Carrollton.  It’s 75% compared to 73% for the city.


Average income in our neighborhood is $42,718. 

This is the third month for the Service Check-Up.  In this email, we cover the activities of Missions, Advocates for Peace and Justice, and Elijah Connection.  Our goal is to keep you informed, and ensure you’re aware of all the opportunities for servanthood.

As a new information source, we’re anxious to hear what you think.  Simply Reply to this newsletter to provide your feedback.  We strive to make this valuable for you.  Let us hear from you!

Sack Summer Hunger



It’s TIME!!!!  The first delivery of food begins this week, on Saturday, June 13.  Holy Covenant will be serving approximately 100 families this summer, providing nutritious lunches for the children in our community who have been depending on free and reduced cost lunches.


You have been very generous with your financial contributions (those pennies really added up and we’ve exceeded our goal).  Now it’s time to put our bodies in motion and give of our time.  It’s not a lot, really – maybe an hour if you sign up for a single week.  We’d love to have you regularly, but will take what we can get!  


While we’re not desperate, we could sure use some more hands!  If you’ve been considering this, go ahead and commit!  We need you.


There are 4 primary jobs required to be done each week:


Pick Up:  these volunteers will go to Metrocrest to pick up the food for our families.  A truck or van is required, and volunteers will need to lift heavy bulk items.

Sorting:  these volunteers will separate the bulk foods into individual containers for the families. This is a great family task!


Distribution:  these volunteers will be at the church to greet families as they come to pick up their food.  Names are checked and calls are made to anyone who didn’t pick up.


Delivery:  these volunteers will deliver food to the families who are unable to pick up from the church.


Sign-up sheets are available at the Service Center, or you may contact Lori Erwin at [email protected].

Computer Classes


The Missions Committee is sponsoring a series of computer classes to be held in our very own computer lab.  We are hoping to fill the 8 seats with a mix of our neighbors and HCUMC members.  There is no cost to these classes.  To register, please see the website for online registration, or call the church office.


If the demand is high, additional classes will be offered.  



Intermediate Excel

June 16 and June 23


Resume writing (instruction on Word and resume advice)

June 18


Intermediate Word

June 30 and July 7



July 14 and July 21

Additional Need

Missions – Food Pantry

What:  Food Pantry pick up from Metrocrest


When:  Tuesday – choose to help once, once a month, or every week!


How:  contact Colleen Evans ([email protected]) to find out more or volunteer


Who: YOU!!!


Human Trafficking



During May, your Advocates were represented by Roy Evans at the Symposium on Human Trafficking in Dallas.  This justice issue is alarming in many ways and recent events in North Texas and on Josey Lane have become a call for more public awareness.  Roy will share his insight at the next Advocates meeting on Tuesday evening, June 16th.   Join us to learn and share!  

Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN)


Advocates and the Reconciling Team at Holy Covenant have begun one-on-one visits with all chairpersons serving on the Ad Council of Holy Covenant.  The goal of the meetings is to share the facts about RMN and add full transparency to the initiative that supports “Full Inclusion” of all persons in the life of the United Methodist Church.  Concurrently, the Reconciling Team is preparing a congregational survey that will be implemented early 3rd Quarter.  Results of the survey will be shared with the Ad Council for review and action.  Advocates will also sponsor two participants at the Annual RMN Convocation in August.   Our own Jason Redick has been invited as a presenter at this event in San Antonio. 


 For more information, please contact Bob Michael at 972-533-4882 or Kathy Amos at 469-867-7167.

Questioning Capital Punishment



The 5 week study on “Questioning Capital Punishment,” led by Jason Redick and Jim Guest, just completed.     The study delved deeply into the issue of capital punishment.  The June 3rd session began with a short vigil for the scheduled execution of Lester Bower.  The next vigil in June will be held @ 6:30PM on June 18th for the scheduled execution of Gregory Russeau.  It is a time to come together, pray, remember the victims and make a public statement about state sanctioned killing. 


Join us and meet in front of the HC sign.

Youth First


Breakfast for Dinner” provided by Holy Covenant has become one of the favorite events at the Dallas Resource Center’s Youth First Facility that provides support to marginalized youth and their families.  The next scheduled date is Friday evening, July 10th.  For those who would like to assist, please contact Mary Mitchell Trimble (214-232-5736)


International Peace Day


Planning is in process for a Holy Covenant event in preparation for International Peace Day.  September 21st is the day recognized internationally, and we will have an event at HC on Sunday, September 13th.  Themed “3 books- One Meaning“, we will explore and reflect on peace from three religions’ perspectives.  More to come on this event in upcoming newsletters.  


Telling Your Story

Elijah Connection


For the next few newsletters, Elijah Connection will be sharing their stories with the congregation to help others begin thinking about their own story.  Reviewing our experiences helps us understand where and how God is calling us to serve.


Jason Redick
I can remember the morning I received the news last December.  We had just enjoyed an incredible evening at Peters Colony Learning Center sharing Cookies and Cocoa and having Mrs. Claus read books to the children.  A young boy, Elijah died tragically.  I remember trying to run through faces and names in my head, one stuck out in particular.  His smile lit up the room, he even helped read the book when Mrs. Claus had difficulties due to small print and dark pages.  My nightmare became reality when it was revealed the unforgettable boy was indeed Elijah.  There were so many more questions than answers.  But I knew that this was an opportunity for the Church to really be the Church!  The family (and community) needed a place to gather, to remember, and to receive hope.  Our church members’ schedules were full with holiday activities, but we all made time and put in effort to create the space for the family to grieve.  Family and friends were in awe of the lengths we went to.  My favorite comment was from a woman from the community, “You all did this family JUSTICE.”    
There is always the same opportunity before us today as a church.  Will we let our busy schedules deafen us to the cries of our community?  Will we join them in pain, grief, frustration, joy and happiness?  I pray that we act now, so that we can know the Elijah’s among us and bring about healing and peace for all who suffer.  This isn’t about the next big program offering or writing a check.  This is about walking alongside.  Being a friend, a neighbor, someone who can listen and share.  Christ is waiting for us just across the street.  Will you join us?