We are excited to write to you on behalf of our wonderfully talented youth. We have dreamed big and are excited to announce a trip like no other, the 2015 Holy Covenant Youth “Believe” Music and Mission Trip- June 23-29. We’re traveling to Florida to sing and serve and see DisneyWorld as well! We’re utilizing our email capabilities to jump start Stock Sales, read below for details and join in this ministry we’re doing with our Youth here at Holy Covenant.
Rev. Debbie Chapman
Jason Redick

What are Stock Sales all about?
For anyone who has a child it’s easy to know how quickly all of their desired activities stretch beyond a family’s ability to provide the funding for them. Therefore, we at Holy Covenant have always sought to provide meaningful, fun, and affordable summer activities for youth. Instead of traditional, over-priced food or merchandise or holding monthly fundraisers, we’ve held our Annual Stock Sale. Where all you have to do is give and know that your gift WILL make an impact in the lives of our youth and those we will connect with. By giving, you communicate to us that you care about us and that you hope we change the world. You also create more opportunities for God to meet us as we travel and explore. Without your gifts, this trip wouldn’t be affordable to many of our youth. We thank you in advance for joining in this ministry with us. We will conclude Youth Stock Sales with our Breakfast Fundraiser on May 3rd in the Covenant Center where we hope to be able to announce this year as another HUGE success for our youth and church!!
What are we going to be doing??
Since you’re joining with us (in generosity and Spirit), you might wanna know some of the details of what we will be doing! We’re hitching a ride on a charter bus with other North Texas Youth who are headed to Youth 2015 in Orlando. Instead of going to the conference, we’re headed to FUMC Winter Park where we’ll serve with South Street Ministry in Orlando. We’re excited to connect with South Street because they believe in Asset Based Community Development, which seeks to build on the gifts and graces of the community rather than simply focusing on needs. We’ll perform for their Wednesday evening worship service. Next we’ll head to DisneyWorld on Thursday to have a blast enjoy each other’s company. Then on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we’ll work, enjoy company, and perform concerts through South Street Ministry and other area churches and organizations! We’ll jump back on the bus and head home, tired and full of God’s love.
Give online!
Instead of the traditional letter and return envelope, we want to try and complete all of the Stock Sales online. Here is the link for online giving to Holy Covenant UMC. LINK
3 Easy steps to give!
1. Click on the word LINK above and then on ONLINE GIVING when you reach the church’s website.
2. Under “Youth Ministries” heading and ‘Youth Ministry’ sub-heading, fill out desired donation amount and memo “STOCK SALES” Then choose date for donation, click ‘Continue”
3. Fill out personal info and financial info and click “Process”
You’re done!
Thank you in advance for your support of our Youth at Holy Covenant UMC!
Daily Itinerary
Tuesday, June 23 Leave on Charter Bus, drive overnight to Orlando, Fl
Wednesday, June 24 Arrive in Orlando- check-in to FUMC Winter Park and perform for South Street Ministry
Thursday, June 25 DISNEYWORLD all day!
Friday-Sunday, June 26-28 Serve with South Street Ministry and perform various concerts throughout the area
Sunday evening, June 28 Head back to Dallas
Monday afternoon, June 29 Arrive back home!

Great picture from our 2013 Bon Voyage Choir Concert!
Want to give through cash or check?
That’s fine as well! Feel free to drop in offering plate any Sunday in April, just Memo “STOCK SALES” on the envelope or check.

Our hard-working team from last year’s Mission Trip!