This Sunday, September 13, we will have 3 important events:
Celebration of Jason Redick’s Ministry – Following the 11:00 service, we will share refreshments in the Covenant Center and celebrate Jason’s time as Youth Minister. We will take up a love offering for Jason and we will have cards you may fill out to share with him your appreciation of all he has brought to Holy Covenant this past 2 years.
Panel Discussion: Finding Peace in the Torah, Bible and Quran, at 9:45 am in the sanctuary, presented by the Advocates for Justice & Peace. Jeffrey Weiss, the award-winning journalist of religious and education issues for The Dallas Morning News, will serve as moderator with guest panelists representing the Hebrew, Christian and Islamic faith communities. “It is important to educate ourselves and to foster interfaith dialogue,” says Bob Michael, Chair of Advocates, “We are very pleased to have Mr. Weiss serve as our moderator along with our distinguished panelists.
Peace affects us all, and we must strive to set aside any preconceptions we might have to better understand one another. Religious stereotypes often contribute to misunderstandings that can lead to conflict. We hope this discussion will highlight our common philosophies of peace.”
Extravagant Generosity: The Heart of Giving – We will begin our special congregational emphasisthis Sunday. Children, youth and some adult Sunday School classes will begin studying coordinated curriculum as we continue using the devotional guide, Practicing Extravagant Generosity: Daily Readings on the Grace of Giving in our homes. We will turn in our Heart Cards in the narthex. Blank Heart Cards will be available in worship.