What is Happening This Week 1/12-1/18/15

What is Happening This Week

1/12 – 1/18/15

Hello Church!


Just a reminder that, as a church, we are reading the gospel of Luke. Our weekly scripture reading for this week, January 11-24, is Luke 3.


Also, please be in prayer for our youth and adults who will leave this Friday on the Civil Rights Bus Tour to Mississippi and Tennessee tracing the steps of the Freedom Riders and of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s final days.


Pastor Carol



Weekly Schedule:

Tuesday, 13th

Advocates for Justice & Peace     7:00 PM     EB202

Wednesday, 14th

Children’s Choir     6:30 PM     Choir Room

Children’s Ministry     6:30 PM     EB207

Covenant Carillion Ringers     6:30 PM     Sanctuary

English as a Second Language Classes     6:30 PM     EB202 

Bible 101     7:00 PM     CC113

Finance Committee     7:00 pm     CC210

Adult Choir     7:30 PM     Choir Room

Thursday, 15th

L.I.F.T. – Ladies In Fellowship Together     6:30 PM     Jeriann Bayley’s   

        home: 1701 E. Hebron Pkwy #2106, Carrollton 

Friday, 16th

Parents’ Night Out     6:30 – 9:30 PM     Covenant Center

Ages Infant – 5th Grade. Reservations are required by noon on Wednesday, January 14th! RSVP to [email protected]. You may drop off and pick up children anytime during the designated hours.

$6 per child; $15 max per same family 

Saturday, 17th

Chili Cook-Off     6:00 PM     Covenant Center

5-5:30 Chili Presenters set up

3:00 set up CC

Call Dante Paa 972-740-6192 with questions

Sunday, 18th 

Worship     8:30 AM     Sanctuary

Sunday School for All Ages     9:45 AM

New Member Class     9:45 AM     CC113

Worship     11:00 PM  Sanctuary

Joyful Noise Handbells     1:30 PM     Sanctuary

No youth bells or choir due to Civil Rights Bus tour


Sunday Highlights:  Second Sunday After the Epiphany

Sermon Title: Belief, Profession, Repentance, Baptism and then what?

Sermon Text: Luke 4


8:30     Lori Snyder and Linda Blue

11:00     Rusty and Jill Yull

 Next Week Highlights: check website for more details


-Weekly Scripture Reading (January 18-24): Luke 4

-Monday, 19th     Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

     HC Preschool Closed

-Thursday, 22nd     Women’s Reading Group

     12:30 PM     CC211

New daytime small group for women led by Rev. Susan Bryan. A Faithful Heart by Bishop Sally Dyck – available on the first day of the group. Cost is $8 for the book. RSVP if coming to Susan – [email protected]


Worship and Music Questions           [email protected]
Youth and Confirmation Questions    [email protected]

Adult Education Questions                [email protected]

Children’s Education Questions        [email protected]


For more information on the events and activities listed above or for a full church calendar, click here to access our Holy Covenant UMC website www.hcumc.org