Weekly Schedule:
Monday, 19th
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Tuesday, 20th
Kindergarten Information Night 7:00 PM Sanctuary
Wednesday, 21st
Children’s Choir 6:30 PM Choir Room
Covenant Carillion Ringers 6:30 PM Sanctuary
English as a Second Language Class 6:30 PM EB202
Bible 101 7:00 PM CC113
Finance Committee 7:00 pm CC210
Adult Choir 7:30 PM Choir Room
CFBNA 8:00 PM CC211
Thursday, 22nd
Women’s Reading Group 12:30 PM CC211
New daytime small group for women led by Rev. Susan
Bryan. A Faithful Heart by Bishop Sally Dyck – available on
the first day of the group. Cost is $8 for the book. RSVP if
coming to Susan – [email protected].
Saturday, 24th
CODA 9:00 AM EB202
Sunday, 25th
Worship 8:30 AM Sanctuary
Sunday School for All Ages 9:45 AM
New Member Class 9:45 AM CC113
Open to all new members, frequent visitors and anyone interested in
what it means to be a member of HCUMC. Meet us in the room next to
the kitchen.
Worship 11:00 PM Sanctuary
District Lay Leadership Training 2:00-4:30 PM University Park UMC
Our Guest Speaker for the afternoon will be Lisa Hancock, a Conflict
Resolution Specialist. Along with training sessions for Trustees
Chairperson, Ad Council Chairperson, Lay Leader, Finance
Chairperson and Pastor-Parish Relations Chairperson we will have
“IMPACT” workshops designed for Church leaders.
Joyful Noise Handbells 2:30 PM Sanctuary
Healing Grief 4:00 PM CC208
Youth Handbells 4:30 PM Sanctuary
Youth Choir 5:15 PM Choir Room
UMYF 6:00 PM Youth Room