What is Happening This Week 12/7 – 12/13/15


holy covenant united methodist church

What is Happening This Week

12/7 – 12/13/15


Hello Church!


This week, the Ladies In Fellowship Together (L.I.F.T.) will meet Thursday, December 10 at 6:30 pm at Joyce McCoy’s home. You can contact Joyce at [email protected] if you have questions. Bring a snack or covered dish to share and enjoy food, fellowship and a short devotional. 


On Saturday, December 12, Harvey’s Kids will meet from 3 to 8 pm in the Covenant Center. Families with special needs children are invited for Christmas snacks and activities while parents have time away to shop, wrap, etc. Extra volunteers are needed! Contact Stacy Phillips at [email protected] for reservations or to volunteer.

This Sunday, December 13 during both worship services, the Wesleyan Choir will present the Christmas Cantata, Child of Hope.


Join us!

Pastor Carol

  Please return your new, unwrapped gifts by Sunday, December 13.

Advent Conspiracy

To participate in Advent Conspiracy, you may donate at the Service Station. When you donate, a recognition card is available for you to take. These cards, designed by Katie Damm, can be given to teachers, baristas, mailmen, etc. Proceeds from Advent Conspiracy will be used here at Holy Covenant to support the ministries we do – Harvey’s Kids, ESL, Lend a Hand, SALT. They may also be used to support ministries at the global level through the United Methodist Church.


Amazon Smile

Did you know Holy Covenant is registered with Amazon Smile? When you shop with Amazon Smile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to HCUMC. Simply sign in to your Amazon account through this link to get started:



Weekly Schedule:

Monday, 7th

7:00 AM Breakfast Club

7:00 PM Advocates/Missions/Elijah Connection-CC210

Tuesday, 8th

7:00 PM Advocates for Justice & Peace-EB203

Wednesday, 9th

6:30 AM Spiritual Journeymen Breakfast-Mom’s Cafe

6:30 PM Al-Anon-CC215

6:30 PM Covenant Carillons-sanctuary

6:30 PM ESL-EB202

7:30 PM Adult Choir -Choir Rm

Thursday, 10th

1:30 PM ECDP Chapel-sanctuary

6:00 PM Recital-sanctuary

6:30 PM Ladies in Fellowship Together-Joyce McCoy’s home

6:30 PM Missions Committee: CC113

Friday, 11th

9:00 AM Carrollton ECPTA Meeting- CCGym

5:00 PM GS Service Unit 405 Parents Night Out-CC

6:00 PM Recital-sanctuary

Saturday, 12th

8:00 AM Spiritual Journeymen Mtg & Breakfast-CC113

9:00 AM C.O.D.A.-202EB

9:30 AM Cantata Rehearsal-sanctuary

3:00 PM Harvey’s Kids-CC Gym

Sunday, 13th


9:45 AM Sunday School for All Ages


2:00 PM Joyful Noise Handbells-sanctuary

4:00 PM Walk with Intention – Labyrinth

6:00 PM Youth Christmas Party – Bayards’ House

Sunday Highlights:  December 13, Third Sunday in Advent


Christmas Cantata

Child of Hope

A Christmas Message of Encouragement and Peace



8:30   Olivia Patterson

11:00 Austin Alvarez



11:00 Mark and Donna Roberts



Shawn Jenkins and John McLaughlin

Next Week’s Highlights 

-Parents’ Night Out – Saturday, December 19 from 4 to 9 pm in the Covenant Center. Ages Infant – 5th Grade. Reservations are required by noon on Wednesday, December 16th! Reserve a place for your child at  www.hcumc.org. You may drop off and pick up children anytime during the designated hours. $10 per child; $25 max per same family.


Rev. Carol Sparks         [email protected]

Rev. Debbie Chapman  [email protected]

Bill Mauldin                    [email protected]

Jason Redick                 [email protected]

For more information on the events and activities listed above or for a full church calendar, click here to access our Holy Covenant UMC website www.hcumc.org