What is Happening This Week 3/9-3/15/15


holy covenant united methodist church

What is Happening This Week

3/9 – 3/15/15


Hello Church!


Please check out this article recently included in the United Methodist News Service Weekly Digest: http://mastersdust.com/2015/02/23/5-things-the-church-stop-for-lent/.


Our scripture reading for this week, March 8 – 14 is Luke 17 & 18.


Pastor Carol



Weekly Schedule:

Tuesday, 10th

Advocates for Peace & Justice     7:00 PM     EB203

Wednesday, 11th

Spiritual Journeymen Breakfast     6:30 AM     Mom’s Café

English as a Second Language Class     6:30 PM     EB202 

Children’s Ministry     6:30 PM     EB206

Youth Lent Study     6:30  PM     Youth Room

Thursday, 12th

Finance     7:00 PM     CC215

Adult Discipleship     7:00 PM     CC211

Saturday, 14th

Spiritual Journeymen     8:00 AM     CC113

CODA    9:00 AM     EB202

Harvey’s Kids     5:00 PM     CC

Sunday, 15th 

Worship     8:30 AM     Sanctuary

Sunday School for All Ages     9:45 AM

Worship     11:00 PM  Sanctuary

Joyful Noise Handbells     2:30 PM     Sanctuary

Lent Study     4:45 PM     CC210 

United Methodist Youth Fellowship     6:00 PM     Youth Room 


Sunday Highlights:  March 15, Fourth Sunday in Lent

Sermon Title: Grumble, Grumble, Grumble

Sermon Text: Luke 19:1-10


8:30     Katie Damm

11:00     Olivia Patterson


8:30     Linda Hill and Lori Snyder

11:00    Mark and Connie McAnally


Leslie Beckmann and Steve Richards

 Next Week Highlights: 

-Weekly Scripture Reading (March 15-21): Luke 19 and 20.

-Preschool returns from Spring Break on Monday, March 16.

-St. Patrick’s Day on Tuesday, March 17.

-L.I.F.T. (Ladies In Fellowship Together) meets at Jan Barnes’ home, Thursday, March 19 at 6:30 pm.

-Parents Night Out on Friday, March 20 at 6:30 pm.


Worship and Music Questions         [email protected]
Youth and Confirmation Questions    [email protected]


For more information on the events and activities listed above or for a full church calendar, click here to access our Holy Covenant UMC website www.hcumc.org