What is Happening This Week 5/24 – 5/31/15


holy covenant united methodist church

What is Happening This Week

5/24 – 5/31/15


Hello Church!


Everyone is invited to a free performance of Godspell this Sunday, May 31st at 7 pm in the sanctuary. Elation, a youth ministry supported by St. Stephen UMC of Mesquite, has been sharing the word of God through the presentation of Godspell for the past 15 years and has worshipped with over 150 congregations in 36 states and Canada.


Join us!


Pastor Carol



Weekly Schedule:

Monday, 25th

Memorial Day

Breakfast Club     7:00 AM     CC113

Tuesday, 26th

Elijah Connection     7:00 PM     CC211

SPPR     7:00 PM     CC213

Wednesday, 27th

Spiritual Journeymen Breakfast     6:30 AM     Mom’s Café

ESL     6:30  PM     CC210, CC211 and Youth Room

Questioning Capital Punishment     6:30 PM     CC113

Adult Choir     7:00 PM     Choir Room

Saturday, 30th

CODA    9:00 AM     EB202

ESL     10:00 AM     CC211 & CC213

Sunday, 31st 

Worship     8:30 AM     Sanctuary

Sunday School for All Ages     9:45 AM

Worship     11:00 PM  Sanctuary

Youth Choir     4:00 PM     Choir Room

Youth Parent Meeting     6:00 PM     Youth Room

Godspell Performance     7:00 PM     Sanctuary


Sunday Highlights:  May 31, Trinity Sunday, Peace with Justice Sunday

Sermon Text: Romans 8:12-17

Sermon Title: Selfishness to Spiritedness

8:30      Katie Damm

11:00    Preston Hinton


8:00      Spiritual Journeymen

11:00    Dan Kasten and Steve Richards


Leslie Beckmann and Randy Lasley


 Next Week Highlights: 

FREE Computer classes begin Tuesday, June 2 with Basic Word and Excel at 7 pm in the computer lab, Room 204, second floor of the Education Building. Childcare is available. Space is limited! Register at http://tinyurl.com/majoats.  



Worship and Music Questions         [email protected]
Youth and Confirmation Questions    [email protected]


For more information on the events and activities listed above or for a full church calendar, click here to access our Holy Covenant UMC website www.hcumc.org