What is Happening This Week 6/1- 6/7/15


holy covenant united methodist church

What is Happening This Week

6/1- 6/7/15


Hello Church!

Just a reminder that Holy Covenant is offering FREE Computer Classes beginning this week with Basic Word and Excel at 7 pm in the computer lab, Room 204, second floor of the Education Building. Childcare is available. Space is limited! Register at http://tinyurl.com/majoats 


Join us!


Pastor Carol



Weekly Schedule:

Monday, 1st

Memorial Day

Breakfast Club     7:00 AM     CC113

Tuesday, 2nd

Basic Word & Excel Class     7:00 PM     CC204

Reconciling Team    7:00 PM     CC211

Wednesday, 3rd

Spiritual Journeymen Breakfast     6:30 AM     Mom’s Café

Peters Colony Learning Center Celebration     12:00 PM     CC

Death Penalty Vigil     6:30 PM     Corner of Peters Colony & Josey

ESL     6:30  PM     CC210, CC211 and Youth Room

Questioning Capital Punishment     6:30 PM     CC113

Adult Choir     7:00 PM     Choir Room

Thursday, 4th

Adult Discipleship     7:00 PM     CC211

Saturday, 6th

CODA    9:00 AM     EB202

Sunday, 7th 

Worship     8:30 AM     Sanctuary

Sunday School for All Ages     9:45 AM

Worship     11:00 PM  Sanctuary

Adult Discipleship Event     4:00 PM     CC113


Sunday Highlights:  June 7, Confirmation Sunday

Sermon Text: 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1

Sermon Title: I believed, and so I spoke.”

8:30      Shelbey Sparks

11:00    Austin Alvarez


8:00      Pat and Byrne Underhill

11:00    Donna and Mark Roberts


Julie Fuller and John McLaughlin


 Next Week Highlights: 

Annual Conference begins Sunday, June 7 at St. Andrew UMC, Plano.

-VBS Set-up begins Monday, June 8.

-Sack Summer Hunger begins Saturday, June 13. Sign-up at the Service Center in the Education Building.

-Harvey’s Kids Saturday, June 13 at 5 pm in the Covenant Center. Contact Jason Redick [email protected] to volunteer.



Worship and Music Questions         [email protected]
Youth and Confirmation Questions    [email protected]


For more information on the events and activities listed above or for a full church calendar, click here to access our Holy Covenant UMC website www.hcumc.org