This Saturday, August 15, you are invited to help with our church-wide Work Day from 9 am to Noon. Please join us as we prepare the building and grounds before our BIG celebration on Sunday.
BIG Sunday
August 16th marks the beginning of many great activities happening here at church. We are going to have great music and worship, adult classes, promotion Sunday for youth and children, Third Grade Bible Presentations, a School Supplies Drive, a Curriculum Fair and the kick-off to so many opportunities for all of us to learn and serve this fall. We will top the day off with a church-wide potluck celebration at noon. Our Journeymen will be providing grilled burgers and hotdogs, our choir will bring water and chips, and we will have a “Homemade Ice Cream Contest” organized by our Service Station Teams. Please bring your favorite side dish so we can have great day of food, music, family and church celebration!
Sunday Highlights: August 16, BIG Sunday, Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Sermon Text: Ephesians 5:1-20
Sermon Title: To Be Ignited Is To Be Aflame With The Source
8:30 Shelbey Sparks
11:00 Olivia Keith
Lay Readers:
8:00 Paul Chapman
11:00 Dan Kasten
8:00 Linda Hill and Lori Snyder
11:00 Connie and Mark McAnally
Leslie Beckmann and John McLaughlin
Next Week Highlights:
–Parents’ Night Out, Friday, August 21, 6-9 pm. The cost is $6/child and you must register your child by Wednesday, August 19th at
-Blessing of the Backpacks, Sunday, August 23 all children are invited to bring their backpacks to be blessed during either worship service.
–Mission Possible: Funding the Rest of Your Life, Sunday, August 23 @ 3 pm in Room 213 Are your finances a source of stress and anxiety? How can we assure our future and the future of our families is financially sound? Two financial planning professionals will present information to help you assess your current situation, consider short term and long term options and start planning for your financial future. Childcare will be available.
For more information on the events and activities listed above or for a full church calendar, click here to access our Holy Covenant UMC website