Broomball Sunday Jan 17th

Meet Sunday at church @ 5:30pm. Bring $8.50 for dinner and release forms (church and StarCenter). Wear athletic shoes and long pants. Contact Bill to sign up.

Sunday Jan 17th we are going to the Dr. Pepper StarCenter to play Broomball with 2 other local UMCs.  We are meeting up at 5:30pm and going down to CiCi’s pizza because nothing is better to do than stuff yourself with pizza before going to go run and play for  and hour. Everyone needs to bring their own money for dinner, cost it $8.50. You MUST HAVE a Holy Covenant UMC Medical/Liability Wavier on file of with you and EVERYONE MUST BRING a Dr. Pepper StarCenter Liability Release form (links to both provided below). Wear athletic shoes, long pants, I recommend layers on top like a t-shirt and hoodie. We will be back about 9pm. You MUST SIGN UP or have talked with me and had me sign you up so that we have transportation set up. See you Sunday!!

Click Here to download Broomball Waiveror go to

Click here to download Holy Covenant UMC Liability and Medical Wavier  or go to