We all want a life that has impact. We want to make a difference with our lives and resources to improve our world; and, at the same time, we want a life that is deeply satisfying and rewarding, personally. Are both of these things mutually exclusive? They do not have to be! We just have to be able to prioritize our goals and use the tools we already have to enjoy a life experience that is deeply satisfying for us while impacting the lives of others.
As we continue the “Creating IMPACT for a Deeply Satisfying Life” sermon series, we seek direction and motivation to create a life of IMPACT. Each week we consider what it means to use the lessons of Christ to direct our lives today. Happy are those who hear God’s word and put it into action. (Luke 11:28, CEB)
Don’t miss any of these exciting guest preachers! 
IDENTITY       Rev. Debbie Chapman, September 18
MONEY           Rev. Dr. Larry George, September 25
POWER           Jeff Bouis, October 2
ATTITUDE       Rev. Mike Baughman, October 9
CULTURE        Rev. Becky Hensley, October 16
TIME               Rev. Jodi Smith, October 23