Message from Pastor Carol: April 2016

We Are an Easter People
What does it mean for us to be a people of Easter? It means we believe that God is not dead! God is not an obsolete ideal of our forefathers but rather an ongoing creative, loving and healing force in our world today. We further believe, as disciples of Jesus Christ, we are agents of this redemptive God. Therefore, we believe that our very lives are extensions of God’s grace for all who abide on earth.
WOW…this is a huge call to a huge mission! Now, before your head explodes and you think, “This is not for me!”; I want to encourage you to consider not only what it means to be a disciple of Christ, but how?
Each of us needs a way of learning the vocation of discipleship, a safe place to clarify and recognize God’s voice and will, a process for being held accountable for faith development, and a support system for continual encouragement. These four “ways” of learning are actually gifts that come from participating in a formalized plan for spiritual growth.
A Discipleship Formation Program is rooted in small groups of people committed to growth. This can be a Sunday School class, a study group, a covenant group or any group that moves beyond fellowship to intentionally holding the members of the group accountable for spiritual maturation. We are working on various offerings for adults, youth and children to find a group that works for each. Our hope is for every member to deepen their relationship with God and their understanding of how this relationship can make life more expansive and rich.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God – what is good and acceptable and perfect.
(Romans 12:2)
Pastor Carol