Music Ministry News – 05/11/2016

in this issue

:: Youth Choir Trip

:: Music Lessons

:: Concert Opportunities

:: Fine Arts Camp



Thanks for checking out this email for information about worship and rehearsals:  

Covenant Carillons – Wednesday, May 11 at 7:00 pm.  Plan to stay past 7:30 to rehearse with the adult choir for Sunday.  

Arrival times for Sunday:  7:30 am for Covenant Carillons and 7:45 for Joyful Noise.  Wear Blue Shirts.

yellow_spring_daffodil.jpgSunday morning music, May 15

Covenant Carillons and Joyful Noise – 8:30 am

Covenant Carillons, Joyful Noise and Adult Choir – 11:00 am

        Bells and Choir should meet promptly at 10:40 am to rehearse together.

May 22 – 11:00 Adults “Lord, I Believe”

May 30 – 11:00 Adults “Come to the Water”

June 5 – 11:00 Adults “At the Table of the Lord” 


Children will not rehearse again until September.  Youth will resume rehearsals in June, prior to tour. Handbells will not rehearse after Sunday’s performances.



[email protected]  

Revelation Ringers and Singers


Lori Erwin and Jim McKee are on board to go on choir tour with us!  YAY!

Tickets have been purchased for the Texas show at Palo Duro Canyon.  We will have a back-stage tour and dinner prior to the show!


Saturday – concerts local

Saturday night – Sleep at FUMC Jacksboro parsonage (Cassie Wade)  

Sunday – Sing at Jacksboro UMC for worship.

Sunday night – spend time with Georgia Harrison at FUMC Wichita Falls, Sleep at Camp Talbert in Burkburnett

Monday: mission work at Horse Farm (TBA)

Swim at Camp Talbert.

Evening – lead worship classes for FUMC Burkburnett VBS

Sleep at Camp Talbert 

Tuesday – Swim at Camp Talbert, drive to Palo Duro Canyon for show.

Wednesday morning – Visit Cadillac Ranch

then drive home.

Youth attending are:  Shelbey Sparks, Amy Baumgardner, Abby Evans, Lexi Pepper, Rhett Reasonover and Preston Hinton.

Cost:  The cost per youth is still being determined, but the out of pocket will be minimal due to stock sale funds.  


Rehearsals will be held the week prior, June 21, 22, 23, 24 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at the church.  

We will have a short sending forth service on Friday, June 24th at 6:30 pm.

If you have conflicts with this schedule, contact Debbie ASAP.

Music Lessons! 
jonathan 2011 

Jonathan Kaan is teaching piano lessons at Holy Covenant.  You can contact Jonathan at [email protected] or at 972-505-1833 for more information.

Jonathan’s graduated with honors from Baylor University with a Masters Degree in Piano Pedagogy (teaching) and Performance. 

Have a Holy and Blessed Week!  God will work through us to bless our work and bless those that hear us.  I can’t thank you enough for all you do to make the music at Holy Covenant meaningful and unique.  Below is the link to sign up or unsubscribe from any of our email lists.


Thanks again for what you do to minister to Holy Covenant.

God Bless!


[email protected]

972-492-2432, X 23

972-849-5372, Cell

 HC Logo 2line

Many are allergic to perfume and lotions.  Keep that in mind for rehearsals and Sunday mornings.

Concerts you might be interested in:

Credo Choir Concert
The Armed Man
a mass for peace by karl jenkins
Dr. Jonathan Palant, conductor

Sunday, May 15, 7:00 pm
Temple Shalom
6930 Alpha Road, Dallas
$20 suggested donation at the door

Connections Band

Change the World Concert

Watters Creek, South Green

7 – 9 pm, May 13

Fun for the whole family.

Fine Arts Week, 2016

August 1-5 

Grades 1-5  

 Registration is NOW open!

Incoming 1st-6th graders will spend a week dabbling in all of the arts and having a ton of fun from 3-8pm, August 1-5 at Holy Covenant UMC.

They’ll dance, sing, make costumes, play instruments, do art with Mr. Logan, and put on “We Like Sheep”, a children’s musical teaching the love of the Good Shepherd. Parents, you’ll get to see the fully staged version on Friday night at the end of camp!

Get it on your calendars NOW. Cost is $25 per child with a max of $50 per family. Membership at Holy Covenant is NOT required, all in the community are welcome! Scouts will earn credits towards badges and 4Hers will complete a full Fine Arts project in one week!  Mail or bring to Holy Covenant UMC. 

Once you are registered, plan to drop by the church office between 9 and 3 pm Tuesday – Friday to pick up a learning CD (one per family)

Volunteers are needed! All adults and teens entering 7th grade and up, please contact me with availability to volunteer. This is a fantastic program that benefits the entire community. If you can help, even for a day, please do!

Contact Ashley Kees, Camp Director,  with any questions   [email protected]