Thank you, everyone, for your participation at last week’s services. All the services went well with your leadership.
Sunday’s music is:
Prelude: Jonathan
Offertory: 8:30 – Solo, 11:00 My Jesus, I Love Thee
Youth Choir members should contact Debbie ASAP to confirm their participation in this year’s choir tour. See article below for more information. Only one month of rehearsals left! See you Sunday at 2:15 pm!
Young Children take note! During the month of April, Pre-schoolers (3 by 9/1/2015) through Kindergarten will have choir during CKY from 12:45 to 1:30 pm with new member Janet Butler. This choir will meet in Room A (our music room) off the Sanctuary (NE corner). The children will rehearse for 4 weeks and perform on May 1st at the 11:00 service. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Grades 1-5 will have chime rehearsal during the month of April. We will rehearse in t he children’s choir room (upstairs in the ed. bldg.) immediately following their choir rehearsal. We will rehearse for 4 Sundays and then perform in the Spring Ring Concert on April 24 at 4:00 pm.
Spring Ring, March 24 at 4:00 pm. This will be a concert featuring all of our bell choirs from 1st grade through adult.
Plan to come support our handbell program. The theme is “Ring Praises.”
Gentle Reminder – some are allergic to fragrances, so keep that in mind for rehearsals and performances. Thanks!