Music Ministry Weekly News! April 12, 2016

in this issue

:: CKY – Covenant Kids and Youth

:: Children’s Choir Musical

:: Fine Arts Camp

:: Youth Choir Trip

:: Ring Praises!

:: Music Lessons

How exciting!  Our new chime choir had 9 children this past Sunday.  Be sure to come on April 24 as we present this great group of kids!   

Our pre-school choir is still open to new members.  It is not too late to join them.

Come on Sunday afternoons!  See schedule below in CKY article.

Adult Choir rehearsals have gone to one hour – 7:30 to 8:30 pm.  Come join us on Wednesday nights!

Sunday’s music:

Prelude – Joyful Noise bell choir

Anthem 11:00 – My Shepherd Will Supply My Need –  Adult Choir

Offertory – Efrain Sain 

Upcoming Events!

March 24 – Spring Ring Concert at 4:00 pm  

May 1 – Children’s Choir present “The Big Inning”




[email protected]  

Covenant Kids and Youth!

Age 3 through 12th Grade

12:15 – lunch

12:45 – Children’s Choirs (Pre-school and Elementary)

1:30 – Children’s Chimes (grades 1-5)

2:15 – Youth Choir and bells 

The music portion of CKY is coming to a close.  April 24 is our last Sunday for rehearsals for our children and youth choirs.  Our youth choir will return one week prior to choir tour in late June!

Pre-school choir for ages 3 (by 9/1/15) through Kindergarten. It is not too late to join this group in Room A at 12:45 on Sundays!

April 17 – CKY

April 24 – CKY at normal time

    Spring Ring Concert at 4:00 pm

    May 1 – Children’s Musical during Sunday School

Pre-school sing at 11:00 service

No Children or Youth Rehearsals after April 24

Youth Rehearsals – June 20-24

Youth Choir Trip – June 25-29

Children’s Choir Musical 

Rehearsals begin Sunday during CKY for children grades 1-5!

Performance date is May 1, 2016 at 9:45 am                

See article above for rehearsal times.

Step up to the plate with Little Big Stuff and swing for the fences of fun and faith with

In the Big Inning!

When the kids gather at the park near the church for a Saturday of baseball, they are in for a surprising glimpse at the Bible’s “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11.  They’ll meet Moses (“he got his start in the bush leagues”), Noah (“that guy can really swing the lumber!”), Abraham (“with his son Isaac at the plate, it looks like the manager is calling for a sacrifice . . . “), and many more. With shades of the iconic

Casey at the Bat,

it all leads to the climactic finish of

Jesus at the Cross,

and the Good News of the Gospel is driven home with power! 


Fine Arts Week, 2016

August 1-5 

Grades 1-5  

 Registration is NOW open!

Incoming 1st-6th graders will spend a week dabbling in all of the arts and having a ton of fun from 3-8pm, August 1-5 at Holy Covenant UMC.

They’ll dance, sing, make costumes, play instruments, do art with Mr. Logan, and put on “We Like Sheep”, a children’s musical teaching the love of the Good Shepherd. Parents, you’ll get to see the fully staged version on Friday night at the end of camp!

Get it on your calendars NOW. Cost is $25 per child with a max of $50 per family. Membership at Holy Covenant is NOT required, all in the community are welcome! Scouts will earn credits towards badges and 4Hers will complete a full Fine Arts project in one week!  Mail or bring to Holy Covenant UMC. 

Once you are registered, plan to drop by the church office between 9 and 3 pm Tuesday – Friday to pick up a learning CD (one per family)

Volunteers are needed! All adults and teens entering 7th grade and up, please contact me with availability to volunteer. This is a fantastic program that benefits the entire community. If you can help, even for a day, please do!

Contact Ashley Kees, Camp Director,  with any questions   [email protected]

Revelation Ringers and Singers



June 25-29

To:  Wild and Wonderful

Northwest Texas 

Six Youth are confirmed!

We are preparing a Taize’ type service to present to groups and churches in NW Texas. Each youth will play their instrument and sing as we spread the love of God.

We have added Palo Duro Canyon to our trip and will attend the “Texas” 


We need one more adult female to attend.

Ring Praises!

Sunday, April 24
4:00 pm in the Sanctuary

bellsAll of our handbell choirs are preparing music for our annual spring ring concert.

Rehearsals are as follows:

1:30 to 2:00

Children’s Chimes

(Chimers will have a break from 2 until 3:30)

1:30 to 2:30 Joyful Noise

2:30 to 3:00 Youth Bells

3:00 to 4:00 Covenant Carillons and Combined Choirs

4:00 Concert


Music Lessons! 
jonathan 2011 

Jonathan Kaan is teaching piano lessons at Holy Covenant.  You can contact Jonathan at [email protected] or at 972-505-1833 for more information.

Jonathan’s graduated with honors from Baylor University with a Masters Degree in Piano Pedagogy (teaching) and Performance. 

Have a Holy and Blessed Week!  God will work through us to bless our work and bless those that hear us.  I can’t thank you enough for all you do to make the music at Holy Covenant meaningful and unique.  Below is the link to sign up or unsubscribe from any of our email lists.


Thanks again for what you do to minister to Holy Covenant.

God Bless!


[email protected]

972-492-2432, X 23

972-849-5372, Cell

 HC Logo 2line

Many are allergic to perfume and lotions.  Keep that in mind for rehearsals and Sunday mornings.