Last Tuesday evening, we received word that Gary Felner passed away suddenly. There will be a memorial service for Gary on Friday at 2:00pm with special music starting at 1:45 pm. The adult choir will sing and should plan to arrive at 1:30 pm to prepare. We are so glad that Gary’s brother, Dave will be here along with his fiance Charline, as well as two of Julie’s sisters. There will be a memorial service in Ohio, as well later in the month.
We need a couple of people to help Gary’s brother move items out of Gary’s apartment into a “pod” this Thursday, Nov. 10. Dave will call us when he has an exact time. If you can help with this, email Debbie [email protected].
Melanie Luce’s sister, Mindy Luce passed away late last week. Melanie is still in NYC making final decisions before bringing Minday’s remains back to Texas. More information to come on a memorial service here in Texas.
Our Elementary choir is in need of some assistance. This is an active group and at least one more adult is needed. Parents can rotate attendance and no musical ability is required.
Youth Choir Resumes! Remember that our youth will rehearse Nov. 13, 20 and Dec. 4 to prepare for December 11. Youth will play instruments,bells and sing on December 11. Only three rehearsals! If you want to play your instrument, you must bring it to the rehearsal on Nov. 13.
See articles below on the Community Nativity singing and our Christmas Music “Small, Dancing, Light” to be performed with Orchestra!
It is going to be a great holiday season.
Many blessings,