Sack Summer Hunger 2016

Sack Summer Hunger


The end of school is celebrated by many students.  But for some, it means a time of hunger – being without breakfast and lunch at school.

Holy Covenant responds to this need by participating in the Sack Summer Hunger program.  Families sign up through local schools, and are qualified by Metrocrest Social Services.  Then, beginning on June 11, families may pick up (or will have delivered) food to sustain the children for the week.  Families will receive approximately 15 pounds of food per child, per week.

We need your help in two ways.  First, we ask that you take a lunch bag from the Service Station at church.  Deposit your change in the bag daily, while praying for the program.  Bags may be returned to the box at the Service Station, and new bags are available.  We will collect funds through the end of June.

Second, and more importantly, we are in need of volunteers.  We have increased our numbers served this year, and will be feeding 156 children this summer, through 75 families.  Some families will pick up their food at the church, but many require delivery.  Delivery teams go in pairs with a specific route.  Distribution helpers greet families at the church and distribute that week’s food.  Both types of positions allow you to meet and nourish our neighbors.  Both require about 2 hours of time on Saturday mornings (about 9:30-11:30).  You may volunteer for one Saturday, or every Saturday.

The demand is:


# of Delivery drivers/ passengers needed

# of Distribution people needed

June 11

5 more

3 more

June 18

6 more

3 more

June 25

5 more

3 more

July 2

5 more

4 more

July 9

6 more

6 more

July 16

6 more

6 more

July 23

6 more

5 more

July 30

6 more

5 more

August 6

5 more

6 more

Can’t you find two hours this summer to help a hungry child?  To volunteer,  contact Kimberly Ditty at [email protected].