It’s finally here–Celebration Sunday, November 6th! Make plans to join us as we celebrate creatng a church of IMPACT! I will be back and following the ONE worship service at 11:00 am, we will gather in the Covenant Center for lunch, a live jazz band, a photo booth, activities for the kids and more!
Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour and join us for worship at 11:00.
Pastor Carol
Coat Drive
It’s time to clean out your closet of unused coats and jackets to contribute to the HCUMC Coat Drive. We have provided warm coats and jackets to Metrocrest Social Services for distribution at their Holiday Store in the past and will continue that tradition again this year. The drive starts November 1 and concludes December 4. There will be boxes in the Education building for collection. We need coats and Jackets for all ages.
We have arranged with Basil’s Cleaners to clean coats requiring dry cleaning. If a coat is machine washable, please wash before contributing it.
Contact Colleen Evans with any questions.
Family Meetings
Sunday, November 13
following the 8:30 and 11:00 Worship Services
Please make every effort to attend one of these meetings. This is an important meeting for all involved in the life of Holy Covenant. Our future depends on YOU!
Weekly Schedule
Tuesday, 1st
All Saints Day
1:00 PM Program Staff Mtg-CC211
6:00 PM Children’s Ministry-EB206
7:00 PM Trustees-CC113
Wednesday, 2nd
6:30 AM Spiritual Journeymen Breakfast-Mom’s Cafe
6:30 PM Al-Anon-CC215
6:30 PM Covenant Carillons-sanctuary
7:30 PM Adult Choir -Choir Rm
Saturday, 5th
9:00 AM C.O.D.A-202EB
Sunday, 6th
Daylight-Saving Time Ends
9:45 AM Sunday School for All Ages
12:00 PM All Church Lunch & Celebration-CC
Sunday Highlights: November 6, Celebration Sunday, Twenty-fifth Sunday After Pentecost
ONE Worship Service at 11:00 am!
Sermon Text: Luke 10:1-12, 17-24
Sermon Topic: Creating a Church of IMPACT
Rev. Carol Sparks returns to the pulpit!
11:00 Darren Bowes
11:00 Nikki Holmes and Michele Carter
Dave Hill and John Mayer
Next Week’s Highlights
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together)- Thursday, November 10th at 6:30 pm at the home of Lois Eaton. Go to www.hcumc.orgfor more information. Bring a snack or covered dish to share. We will enjoy food, fellowship and a short devotional. If you do not have time to prepare a dish, please join us anyway – we want you with us! Come join us for this time of fellowship!
Blood Drive – Sunday, November 13 from 9 am to 1 pm in the Covenant Center
For more information on the events and activities listed above or for a full church calendar, click here to access our Holy Covenant UMC website