LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) will meet Thursday, December 8th at 6:30 pmat the home of Julie Fuller. Go to www.hcumc.orgfor more information. Bring a snack or covered dish to share. We will enjoy food, fellowship and a short devotional. If you do not have time to prepare a dish, please join us anyway – we want you with us! Come join us for this time of fellowship!
Be sure to return your Angel Tree gifts to Holy Covenant by Sunday, December 11.
Pastor Carol
Angel Tree
Put a smile on a child’s face on Christmas morning! Pick an angel from the tree in the narthex and be sure to put your name and phone number beside the child’s name on the Angel tree list. Pick out gifts and bring to the church by Sunday, December 11! Everyone smiles!
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Weekly Schedule
Tuesday, 6th
6:00 PMChildren’s Ministry-EB206
7:00 PMTrustees-CC113
Wednesday, 7th
6:30 AM Spiritual Journeymen Breakfast-Mom’s Cafe
6:30 PMAl-Anon-CC215
6:30 PMCovenant Carillons-sanctuary
7:30 PMAdult Choir-choir room
Thursday, 8th
12:30 PM4H-EB201-205
6:30 PMLadies in Fellowship Together-Julie Fuller’s home
Friday, 9th
9:00 AMCarrollton ECPTA Meeting- CCGym
6:00 PMRecital-sanctuary
Saturday, 10th
8:00 AMSpiritual Journeymen Mtg & Breakfast-CC113
9:00 AMC.O.D.A.-202EB
5:00 PMHarvey’s Kids-CC Gym
Sunday, 11th
9:45 AMSunday School for All Ages
4:00 PMThe Remnant-EB201-5
4:00 PMWalk with Intention – Labyrinth
Sunday Highlights: December 11, Third Sunday in Advent
The Cherub Choir, Music Machine Choir, Revelation Ringers & Singers as well as the Wesleyan Choir provide music during worship!
For more information on the events and activities listed above or for a full church calendar, click here to access our Holy Covenant UMC website