What is Happening This Week 3/14 – 3/20/16


holy covenant united methodist church

What is Happening This Week

3/14 – 3/20/16

Hello Church!


Holy Covenant will host a Parents’ Night Out on Friday, March 18 from 6 to 9 pm. The cost is $6 per child and you MUST reserve a place for your child by Wednesday, March 16th at PNO.


Palm2Passion is a interactive learning experience where families can learn about the histories and traditions that lead up to and set to stage for Easter. We will go from the celebration of Palm Sunday and explore Passover and Last Supper. This experience is designed for all types of families, with children and without. We will begin about 12:15 pm March 20th  in the Covenant Center and should conclude about 2:30 pm. We will offer lunch as a part of the event, so we would appreciate advanced sign-up in the narthex or at Palm2Passion to make sure we have enough without over preparing and wasting.

Join us!

Pastor Carol

Youth Stock Sales

big-bills-money.jpgThis summer the youth of Holy Covenant UMC will have an opportunity to go on a choir tour, a mission trip, and to church camp at Camp Bridgeport. These experiences can be powerful and formational in the lives of these young people. We are inviting you, our church family, to make an investment in their lives and in the world they create as they learn about, share, and live out theteachings of Jesus. We have included a link to the form below if you would like to print one out and mail it in with your investment. At the end of the summer we will have a reception to share with you the many blessings you enabled with your investment. Thank you for your support and prayers.

Stock Sale form


Weekly Schedule:

Wednesday, 16th

6:30 AM Spiritual Journeymen Breakfast-Mom’s Cafe

6:30 PM Al-Anon-CC215

6:30 PM Covenant Carillons-sanctuary

7:30 PM Adult Choir -Choir Rm

Thursday, 17th

St. Patrick’s Day

1:30 PM ECDP Chapel-sanctuary

Friday, 18th

9:00 AM Carrollton ECPTA Meeting- CCGym

9:00 AM ECDP Fun Friday

6:00 PM Parents Night Out-CC

Saturday, 19th

9:00 AM C.O.D.A.-202EB

Sunday, 20th

First Day of Spring

Palm Sunday


9:45 AM Sunday School for All Ages

12:30 PM Palm2Passion Family Event-CC

1:30 PM Joyful Noise Handbells-sanctuary

3:30 PM Faure rehearsal-choir room

5:00 PM Pastor’s Study Group-CC113

Sunday Highlights:  March 20, Palm Sunday 


Sermon Text: Luke 19:28-40; 22:14-23:56 

Sermon Title: The Passion Story



8:30 Jonathan Mundell

11:00 Anthony Garcia



8:30 Linda Blue and Linda Hill

11:00 Mark and Connie McAnally



Bruce Allen and Shawn Jenkins

Next Week’s Highlights       Holy Week

Holy Week Events

Maundy Thursday March 24, 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. Interactive worship with Holy Communion.

Good Friday March 25, 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. Tenebrae worship featuring the Wesleyan Choir performing Faure’s Requiem.

Holy Saturday March 26, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm in the chapel, Room 208. Prayer vigil.

Easter Sunday March 27.

Sunrise Worship at 6:30 am.

Potluck Breakfast in the Covenant Center at 7:30 am.

Services of Resurrection at 8:30 and 11:00 am 


Rev. Carol Sparks         [email protected]

Rev. Debbie Chapman  [email protected]

Bill Mauldin                    [email protected]

Jason Redick                 [email protected]

For more information on the events and activities listed above or for a full church calendar, click here to access our Holy Covenant UMC website www.hcumc.org