What is Happening This Week 4/25 – 5/1/16


holy covenant united methodist church

What is Happening This Week

4/25 – 5/1/16


Hello Church,


Holy Covenant is scheduled to feed the homeless at Austin Street Shelter Sunday, May 1 at 5 am. If you can donate, please drop-off the following Saturday, April 30 between 9:00 a.m. and Noon in the Covenant Center kitchen: 12 sandwiches (of any type, individually wrapped), 12 pieces of fruit, 12 hard-boiled eggs (still in the shell), and 12 bottles of water or juice packs. Please come to the outside kitchen door (by the dumpster) to drop off items as another group will be meeting in the Covenant Center. Contact Lee Shore [email protected] if you have any questions or need additional information.  

Holy Covenant’s Green Team will once again sponsor Secure Shredding this Saturday, April 30 from 10 am to 2 pm in the church parking lot. This is open to the public. Protect your identity while supporting Holy Covenant. Watch your documents being shredded on-site with the utmost security by Secure On site Shredding Inc. The cost is $5 per copy paper sized box and proceeds go to Holy Covenant Missions. Invite your friends and family to bring their sensitive documents to be shredded.

Visit  www.secureonsiteshredding.com for more information about the company.


The Children’s choir will present the musical, In the Big Inning, this Sunday, May 1 at 9:45 am

in the sanctuary. Enjoy fun music from the Bible Hall of Fame (Faith) with such people as Moses, Noah and Abraham.

Join us!

Pastor Carol

Sign Up NOW



Moms Demand Action and Advocates for Justice and Peace will present the Be SMART Program and a Frontline video on the Gun Lobby

Thursday, May 12 at 7pm in the youth room (201-205)

Please register at www.hcumc.org or in the narthex. Childcare is available.

Metrocrest Services Work Day, May 14 from 9 am – 3 pm

Please join us in helping our neighbors in the community.  

Possible projects will include minor home repairs, landscape work, simple paint jobs, trimming, yard work, etc. at the home of a Carrollton resident, with final details to be sent a later date. We are asking for separate volunteers for work at the project site as well as volunteers for food preparation. Please sign up at the Service Station in the Education Building.


Junktique Donations

Do you have something too big to fit in your car to donate to our Junktique on May 21st? Please contact Lee Shore [email protected]

 to arrange pick-up. Smaller items may be dropped off Thursday, May 19th after 2 pm or Friday, May 20th.


Weekly Schedule:

Tuesday, 26th

7:00 PM SPPR-CC212

Wednesday, 27th

6:30 AM Spiritual Journeymen Breakfast-Mom’s Cafe

9:15 AM ECDP Spring Program-sanctuary

6:00 PM Adult Education-CC211

6:30 PM Al-Anon-CC215

6:30 PM ESL-EB202

7:30 PM Adult Choir -Choir Rm

Thursday, 28th

9:15 AM ECDP Spring Program-sanctuary

12:30 PM 4H-EB201-205

1:30 PM ECDP Chapel-sanctuary

7:00 PM CEA-HOW-CC215

Saturday, 30th

9:00 AM Austin Street Food Collection-kitchen

9:00 AM C.O.D.A.-202EB

9:00 AM Children’s Rehearsal-sanctuary

9:00 AM Life Issues-Covenant Center

10:00 AM Secure Shredding-parking lot

Sunday, 1st


9:45 AM Sunday School for All Ages

9:45 AM Children’s Musical “In the Big Inning”-sanctuary

9:45 AM Sunday School for All Ages

12:15 PM Covenant Cafe-CC113

12:45 PM UMYF: EB201-205

1:30 PM Joyful Noise Handbells-sanctuary

4:00 PM Beginner Spanish-EB201-5

4:00 PM The 5 Love Languages-CC211

5:00 PM Pastor’s Study Group-CC113

Sunday Highlights:  May 1, Sixth Sunday of Easter


Sermon Text: John 14:23-29

Sermon Title: Marks of the Faithful



8:30 Olivia Patterson

11:00 Darren Bowes



8:30 Spiritual Journeymen

11:00 Pam Porter and Lorrie Hammons


Andrea Millaway and John Mayer

Next Week’s Highlights      

-Men’s Social

Thursday, May 5 from 7-9 pm

All men 21 and over are invited to a Men’s Social at Dante Paa’s home. We hope to make this a quarterly gathering at different locations. Please sign up in the narthex where you will find the street address.

Parents’ Night Out

Holy Covenant will host a Parents’ Night Out on Friday, May 6 from 6 to 9 pm. The cost is $6 per child and you MUST reserve a place for your child by Wednesday, May 4th at www.hcumc.org.

Blood Drive

Sunday, May 8

from 9 am to 1 pm

in the Covenant Center Please sign up in the narthex for a time to donate.

graduation_cap.jpgGraduate Sunday

May 8 

If you are a graduating high school senior, please contact Bill Mauldin [email protected] to receive recognition during worship on Graduate Sunday.


Rev. Carol Sparks         [email protected]

Rev. Debbie Chapman  [email protected]

Bill Mauldin                    [email protected]

Jason Redick                 [email protected]

For more information on the events and activities listed above or for a full church calendar, click here to access our Holy Covenant UMC website www.hcumc.org