Sunday Highlights: May 29, Second Sunday after Pentecost
Sermon Text: Luke 7:1-10
Sermon Title: Are you staying or straying?
8:30 Olivia Patterson
11:00 Darren Bowes
11:00 Greg and Kay Dowell
Randy Lasley
Next Week’s Highlights
-Memorial Day, Monday, May 30
-North Texas Annual Conference begins Sunday, June 5
St. Andrew UMC, Plano
Sign Up NOW
Vacation Bible School
Cave Quest
July 17 – 21
5:30 to 8:30 pm
This VBS promises to be an over-the-top, underground adventure! Plus, kids walk away understanding what it means to follow Jesus and shine his light. Join our team, register to be a part of Cave Quest at VBS Registration. We’d love to have participants join us for dinner at 5:30, and then our Cave Quest will begin at 6 p.m.
Fine Arts Week
August 1-5
3-8 pm
Incoming 1st – 6th graders will dance, sing, make costumes, play instruments, make art, and put on “We Like Sheep”, a children’s musical teaching the love of the Good Shepherd. Parents get to see the fully staged version on Friday night at the end of camp! Cost is $25 per child with a max of $50 per family. Mail or bring to Holy Covenant. Register at Fine Arts 2016.
Volunteers are needed! All adults and teens entering 7th grade and up, please contact Ashley Kees [email protected] with availability.
For more information on the events and activities listed above or for a full church calendar, click here to access our Holy Covenant UMC website