Holy Covenant is providing breakfast for the homeless at the Austin Street Centre at 5:00 am on Sunday, July 31st. We will be providing breakfast for 400 men, women and children. We will receive all food donations on Saturday Morning, July 30 from 9 am-noon in the HCUMC Kitchen.
Please bring:
12 Sandwiches(In Sandwich Baggies)
12 Pieces of fruit
12 Boiled eggs in shell in carton
Case of bottled water/ juice boxes
Snacks/ Granola bars
All are welcome to travel with us to Austin Street Sunday morning at 4:15 am from Holy Covenant. We’ll carpool to Austin Street, set up and serve breakfast. We will also collect plastic bags for the residents to carry their food because all residents must leave the shelter at 6:00 am.
Call Bob Michael 413-374-9256 or Lee Shore 214-675-1024 with any questions.
Thank you for your contribution.
Join us!
Pastor Carol
Now Accepting Donations
Fan Drive
Collecting Fans for those in need
We will be collecting fans for Senior Citizens and others in need through August 7th. Please drop off your fans in the Narthex. We will transport the fans to Metrocrest Services who will distribute fans to those who need them. In the past the recipients have expressed sincere appreciation and talked about how much of a difference it made for them. If you do not have time to go out and purchase a fan, we will be happy to do so for you. For $20 we can purchase a new Box Fan or a Standing Oscillating Fan, so just note that your donation is for “Fans.” Thank you Holy Covenant for again helping to meet the needs in our community.
Rose Lovell
Advocates for Justice and Peace
Weekly Schedule
Monday, 25th
6:00 PM ReFit-EB201-205
Tuesday, 26th
7:00 PM Ad Council-CC113
Wednesday, 27th
6:30 AMSpiritual Journeymen Breakfast-Mom’s Cafe
6:00 PMAdult Education-CC211
6:30 PM Al-Anon-CC215
Thursday, 28th
7:00 PM CEA-HOW-CC215
7:00 PM Missions Committee: CC113
Saturday, 30th
9:00 AM Austin Street Food Collection-kitchen
9:00 AM C.O.D.A.-202EB
9:30 AM Sack Summer Hunger-CC
Sunday, 31st
9:45 AM Sunday School for All Ages
12:15 PMCovenant Cafe-CC113
12:30 PMHoly Covenant Actor’s Group-choir room
12:45 PMUMYF: EB201-205
1:30 PM Lutz Eagle Ceremony-sanctuary+CC
Sunday Highlights: July 31, Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon Text: Colossians 3:1-11 & Luke 12:13-21
Sermon Title: “Fool, tonight you will die!”
8:30 Jonathan Mundell
11:00 Barrett Mauldin
Dave Hill and John Mayer
Next Week’s Highlights
Fine Arts Week
August 1-5
3-8 pm
Incoming 1st – 6th graders will dance, sing, make costumes, play instruments, make art, and put on “We Like Sheep”, a children’s musical teaching the love of the Good Shepherd. Parents get to see the fully staged version on Friday night at the end of camp! Cost is $25 per child with a max of $50 per family. Mail or bring to Holy Covenant. Register at Fine Arts 2016.
For more information on the events and activities listed above or for a full church calendar, click here to access our Holy Covenant UMC website www.hcumc.org