Message from Pastor Carol: December 2017

It may seem a little early for New Year resolutions but this one is long overdue. In an effort to increase my professional relationships in terms of my availability and to improve my relationships with family and to improve my health, I have scheduled my week around responsibility, task, communication and pastoral priorities. Carol’s Schedule
This schedule will be an adjustment for us all but in time I hope it will be a beneficial tool. In order to schedule an appointment during an open time, please contact Elise ([email protected]) and she will ensure you get my next available hour. I have appointment times available for pastoral counseling and ministry planning. I will have open office hours within which you can drop by or schedule an appointment.
I have scheduled “communication” hours as well. These will be designated hours within which I will respond to emails, calls and text. I will have a new church cell phone by the first of the year set aside just to communicate with you. I ask that you not leave a voicemail on my church extension but rather on this number. If you have an emergency during the week or an email that must be seen immediately, please contact Elise and she will bring it to my attention.
During my time at home, I will completely disconnect. Pastor Bill and I will alternate with “on call” duties during these times for pastoral crises or emergencies.
My desire is to be available and fully present to each and every one of you as you have desire or need. I think we have all experienced that this just does not work. I will work very intentionally and diligently to adhere to this schedule and boundaries. Thank goodness God walks along side of us as we are called into a more disciplined life that leads to greater health and better relationships. I would appreciate your prayers and support as I seek to serve you, my family and myself more efficiently and effectively.


Pastor Carol