Message from Pastor Carol: February 2017

I can think of no greater time when we were needed as Christ’s agents in the world. So what does it mean to be Christ’s agents (action)? Does it mean that we are a Democrat or Republican? Does it mean that we are liberal or conservative? Does it mean that we are for or against immigration, abortion, war and/or trade sanctions?
Expecting our religiously held beliefs to provide easy or sweeping solutions concerning our social, political and economic ills is to diminish the value of our faith. Faith is confidence and trust in God and God’s ordering for our lives for the benefit of all people. Throughout scripture we have the witness of God’s law to order the lives of those who had faith in order to facilitate a life of meaning and purpose – not rightness. When Jesus challenged the religious community through his teachings he said, “I did not come to abolish the law but rather to fulfill it.” Jesus came to make the point that none of us are to ignore the law of God so we must be obediently disciplined BUT in all circumstances we are to choose the intent of the law over the letter of the law; people over rules, love over rightness.
To be Christ’s agents today is to discipline ourselves so that every decision, opinion or choice we make is driven by this intent. Is what or how I am speaking uplifting to others? Am I choosing to grow in my love of God and neighbor before my love of self? Are “rules” given a priority in my life so much so that I cannot offer grace when called for? Is being right more important than making another feel defeated? Do others experience peace, compassion and encouragement through me? Does my life have meaning for the sake of others?
To be Christ’s agent is to be a law-disciplined, gentle-speaking, God-worshipping, neighbor-loving, grace-filled, peace-seeking, compassion-offering, encourager. Yep, it’s a big job. See you in church so we can learn together how to live a God-ordered life for the benefit of others!
Pastor Carol
And remember, when you are not in church, you are missed!