Music Ministry Weekly News! Jan 10 2017

in this issue

:: Talent Show

:: Actors Group

:: Youth Music!

:: Piano Teacher


Thank you for the great start this past week!  Children, Youth and Adults, ringers and singers are back making music for our worship services.

We had 3 new ringers at the Monday rehearsal.  We want more of you to join us!  Come Monday, January 16th at 10:00 am and give it a try.  We are learning the basics now!

Youth (grades 6-12) see the block below with our spring schedule!  We have simplified the performance dates with only two rehearsals required for each performance.  

Children are planning for Children’s Sabbath on February 5th.  Both pre-school and elementary choirs will sing that day.  Pre-schoolers are only at the 11:00 service.

We are once again combining our Talent Show with the Chili Cook-off.  Mark your calendars for February 25!  See the block below for more information and sign up to cook and/or perform in the Narthex.

Adults are learning the Robert Ray, Gospel Mass to be performed on Maunday Thursday, April 13th.  We will also do movements from the work on Sunday mornings in April.  It is time to join us as we learn this wonderful work.

Sunday, January 15, we will remember our Baptisms.  The adult anthem at 11:00 is “Living Water.”  Youth Choir Alums are welcome to join us!

Washed in the waters of Christ’s baptism, we are  healed in the waters of love.  Cleansed in the waters of God’s Spirit, we are reborn in the waters of life. (from 2017 Abingdon Worship Annual)

Have a blessed week!


[email protected]


37th Annual Talent Show and Chili and Soup Cook-Off   Saturday, February 25   5:00pm

Talent Show 6:00 to 8:00 pm


 Planning Meeting on Sunday, January 15 following 11:00 Worship – Choir Room


Talent Coordinator

Set Up/Clean Up Team



Be thinking about what you want to do!

Actors Group

Our Actors group is organizing again for the Spring.  Email Debbie [email protected] or Katie Bayley [email protected]

if you would like to participate!

Our thanks to Miles Olsen for his leadership this past year and blessings to him as he moves on to new adventures.

YOUTH, Grades 6-12!

Hello everyone!

Here is the calendar that I’m proposing for Spring 2017.  Please look it over and let me know what conflicts that you have.  If you know you will be out of town or there is a scout camp out, let me know so I can plan accordingly. 


We will not rehearse every Sunday.  I have scheduled two rehearsals and a performance for each month. Both rehearsals are important for this schedule to work!

Parents/Adults are needed to plan choir tour.  

I need parents to:

Find concert venues

Find host churches for sleeping

Attend as chaperone (might include cooking and/or driving)

Text me at 972-849-5372 or email me at [email protected]

NEW Rehearsal TIME! 2:15 to 3:15 pm   Use the number above to text me if you will be late picking up your youth.


January 15  Rehearse

January 22  Rehearse

January 29  Perform at 11:00 worship – No afternoon rehearsals


February 5  Rehearse

February 12  Rehearse

February 19 – No Rehearsal (Winter Retreat)

Friday, February 24 – Dress Rehearsal for Talent Show

Saturday, February 25 – Talent Show

Sunday, February 26 – Perform at 11:00 worship – No afternoon rehearsals


No rehearsals for the month of March


April 2  Rehearse

April 9  Rehearse (this is Palm Sunday)

April 14 Perform at Good Friday Service

April 16  Perform at Sunrise Service and 8:30 am Service for Easter

Rehearsals end until Choir Tour prep.


June 4                   We are hosting Choir from Colorado Springs for an evening meal, concert and Home stays – Volunteers Needed!

June 19                Fine Arts Week

June 25                 Youth Mission Trip


July 3                     VBS Work Week

July 9                     VBS (evening) Rehearsals for Choir tour (afternoon)

July 17                   Choir Tour exact dates TBA

I have worked hard on this schedule so that when we meet we can make the most of our time together.  This will also give Bill an opportunity to schedule Sunday afternoon activities that last longer than the normal time.  We have so much talent!  Thank you for your support.



Piano Lessons! 
jonathan 2011 

Jonathan Kaan is teaching piano lessons at Holy Covenant.  You can contact Jonathan at [email protected] or at 972-505-1833 for more information.

Jonathan’s graduated with honors from Baylor University with a Masters Degree in Piano Pedagogy (teaching) and Performance. 

Have a Holy and Blessed Week!  God will work through us to bless our work and bless those that hear us.  I can’t thank you enough for all you do to make the music at Holy Covenant meaningful and unique.  Below is the link to sign up or unsubscribe from any of our email lists.


Thanks again for what you do to minister to Holy Covenant.

God Bless!


[email protected]

972-492-2432, X 23

972-849-5372, Cell

 HC Logo 2line

Many are allergic to perfume and lotions.  Keep that in mind for rehearsals and Sunday mornings.