What is Happening This Week 3/6 -3/12/2017


holy covenant united methodist church

What is Happening This Week

3/6 -3/12/2017


Dear Church,


The monthly LIFT (Ladies in Fellowship Together) meeting will be on Thursday, March 9 at 6:30 pm at the home of Jan Barnes. Go to www.hcumc.org for more information. Bring a snack or covered dish to share. Enjoy food, fellowship and a short devotional. If you do not have time to prepare a dish, please come anyway for this time of fellowship!  

Holy Covenant will host a Parents’ Night Out Friday, March 10th from 6 to 9 pm in the Covenant Center for Ages Infant – 5th Grade. Reservations are required by noon on Wednesday, March 8th!  Reserve a place for your child at www.hcumc.org. You may drop off and pick up children anytime during the designated hours. $6 per child; $15 max per same family.


Pastor Carol


Weekly Schedule


Monday, 6th

10:00 AM New Handbell Choir-sanctuary

Tuesday, 7th

7:00 PM Trustees-CC213

Wednesday, 8th

6:30 AM Spiritual Journeymen Breakfast-Mom’s Cafe

6:30 PM Al-Anon-CC215

6:30 PM Covenant Carillons-sanctuary

6:30 PM ESL-EB202

8:00 PM Adult Choir -Choir Rm

Thursday, 9th

12:30 PM 4H-EB201-205

6:00 PM ReFit-CC

6:30 PM Ladies in Fellowship Together-Home of Jan Barnes

6:30 PM Lenten Study-Lasleys’ Home

Friday, 10th

9:00 AM Carrollton ECPTA Meeting- CCGym

12:00 PM Heather Mincieli Yoga-EB201-5

6:00 PM Parents Night Out-CC

Saturday, 11th

8:00 AM Spiritual Journeymen Mtg & Breakfast-CC113

9:00 AM C.O.D.A.-202EB

3:00 PM Memorial for Brian Engledow- sanctuary

Sunday, 12th

Daylight-Saving Time Begins


8:30 AM Holy Covenant Actors’ Group-CC213

9:45 AM Sunday School for All Ages

4:00 PM Disciple II-C211

4:00 PM Disciple-CC

4:00 PM Walk with Intention – Labyrinth

Sunday Highlights:  March 12, Second Sunday in Lent

Sermon Text: John 3:1-17


8:30 Jonathan Mundell

11:00 Austin Alvarez


8:30 Gary and Dorle Herndon

11:00 Lorrie Hammons and Marilyn Paa



Sylvia Jones and Helma Gentry


Next Week’s Highlights


Blood Drive – Sunday, March 12 from 9 am to 1 pm in the

Covenant Center.


Rev. Carol Sparks         [email protected]

Rev. Debbie Chapman  [email protected]

Rev. Bill Mauldin            [email protected]

For more information on the events and activities listed above or for a full church calendar, click here to access our Holy Covenant UMC website www.hcumc.org