Your Help Needed!

Fan Drive
The Advocates for Justice and Peace
are collecting fans for Senior Citizens and others in need through June 25th.
Please drop off your fans in the Narthex.
We will transport the fans to Metrocrest Services who will distribute fans to those who need them. In the past the recipients have expressed sincere appreciation and talked about how much of a difference it made for them.
If you do not have time to go out and purchase a fan, we will be happy to do so for you. For $20 we can purchase a new Box Fan or a Standing Oscillating Fan, so just note that your donation is for “Fans.” Thank you Holy Covenant for again helping to meet the needs in our community.

Bible School:
Maker Fun Factory
Created by God
Built for a purpose
July 9-13 5:30 – 8:30 pm ages 4 years through 5th grade
-Register your child at VBS
-Check the narthex for materials needed.
-Volunteers still welcome!
Contact: Heather Hinton [email protected]m
and Ryan Baumgardner [email protected]