What is Happening This Week 6/19- 6/24/2018
Holy Covenant United Methodist Church
What is Happening This Week
6/19- 6/24/2018
Dear Church
The Holy Covenant Advocates for Justice & Peace invite you for coffee and a “Meet and Greet” with Kristin Houle, Executive Director of the TCADP (Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty) on Saturday morning, June 23rd in the Covenant Center. Coffee and light snacks will be served from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. The TCADP is celebrating 20 years of advocacy. The North Texas Coordinator, Jim Webner, will also be here.
The Advocates are collecting fans for senior citizens and others in need through this Sunday, June 24th. Please drop off your fans in the Narthex. They will be transported to Metrocrest Social Services who will distribute fans to those who need them. If you do not have time to go out and purchase a fan, we can purchase a new box or oscillating fan for $20, so just note that your donation is for “Fans”.
Pastor Carol
Weekly Schedule
Tuesday, 19th
ECDP Summer Program
6:30 PM Stephen Ministry-CC213
Wednesday, 20th
ECDP Summer Program
6:30 AM Spiritual Journeymen Breakfast-Mom’s Cafe
6:30 PM Al-Anon-CC215
Thursday, 21st
First Day of Summer
ECDP Summer Program
6:00 PM ReFit-CC
Saturday, 23rd
9:00 AM C.O.D.A.-202EB
9:00 AM Sack Summer Hunger-Narthex
9:00 AM TCADP Meet & Greet-CC
2:00 PM Praise Band-sanctuary
Sunday, 24th
Mission Trip
9:00 AM Sunday School for All Ages
Sunday Highlights – June 24, Fifth Sunday After Pentecost
Acolyte: Darren Bowes
A/V: Cory Bowes
Ushers: Rusty and Jill Yull
Counters: Tim Shepardson and Bruce Allen
Coming Soon
CPR/AED Training
We will soon be offering a Saturday morning CPR/AED class. Check back for more details!
Sign Up Now!
Vacation Bible School – Shipwrecked
July 8-12, from 5:30 – 8:30 pm
You can now sign up for this summer’s VBS online at VBS 2018. VBS is for children 3years old through 5th grade and nursery is provided for all volunteers. Preschoolers will only attend the opening ceremony and two activity rotations. They will then just have nursery time after that (we could even put them in jammies for you). Our fun theme this year is Shipwrecked.
We will also offer a resource for parents called “Parenting with Grace and Reason”. This class combines tested parenting advice and how understanding it can also deepen our understanding for what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. That class will be 7:15-8:15pm each night, so take advantage of that opportunity.
Sports Camp
July 16-19
Triumph Sports will host a Christian Rookie Sport Camp here at Holy Covenant for 4-7 year olds from 8:30-11:30am. Cost is $90. You can register at Triumph. This will be our first year working with them but they have a wonderful and long history with many of our fellow North Texas UMCs.
Highlights Outside Holy Covenant
ESL Teachers Needed
North Dallas Shared Ministries is in need of volunteers to teach adult ESL classes. Contact Randy Lasley [email protected] for more information.