Message from Pastor Carol: April 2018

We Are an Easter People
After Easter Sunday, it is easy to allow the narrative of the Easter story to become the language of a child’s fairy tale that has no real impact after the story is finished. But, our story does have import and vocation; because, we are a people of the empty tomb. We are a people who do not allow death and hate to have the last word. We are a people who know God is alive!!!!!!!!!!!
As much as our story brings forth an ideal image of life, humanity and possibility; Christianity also brings forth the actualize hope through the practice of servanthood and justice. We are to use our lives to enrich and empower others. We are a people of equality, freedom, life and love
Jesus summed up the law of the Jews with one new commandment, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, body and soul; and, love your neighbor as yourself.” To love God and to love neighbor is the primary focus of our lives. We cannot serve and empower if we do not know others – really know them. We are a people of relationship.
We are a people who are life after death, hope after despair, peace after violence, joy after oppression, love after hate, resurrection after death. We are an Easter People.

Pastor Carol