What is Happening This Week 12/12 – 12/16/2018

Dear Church,
This Thursday, December 13th at 6:30 pm is the monthly LIFT (Ladies in Fellowship Together) meeting at the home of Lois Eaton. Go to L.I.F.T. for more information. Bring a snack or covered dish to share. Enjoy food, fellowship and a short devotional. If you do not have time to prepare a dish, please come anyway for this time of fellowship!
This Saturday, December 15th, Holy Covenant will host a special Parents’ Night Out from 3:00 to 8 pm in the Covenant Center for ages Infant – 5th Grade. This is a special day and time to help parents during this busy season. Reservations are required at hcumc.org. You may drop off and pick up children anytime during the designated hours. Dinner will be served. $20 per child; $50 max per same family.
This Sunday, December 16, Carter Blood Care will be set up in the Covenant Center for our last Blood Drive of the year from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Please consider making a donation.
If you took a paper angel off the Angel Tree in the narthex, please bring your new, unwrapped items in a bag and attach your angel to the outside of the bag. Bring your bagged gifts to Holy Covenant by Sunday, December 16.
Pastor Carol
Weekly Schedule
Wednesday, 12th
6:30 PM Al-Anon-CC215
Thursday, 13th
1:30 PM ECDP Chapel-sanctuary
6:30 PM Ladies in Fellowship Together (LIFT)-Home of Lois Eaton
6:30 PM ReFit-CC
Friday, 14th
9:00 AM Carrollton ECPTA Meeting- CCGym
3:00 PM PCLC Activity Time-CC
Saturday, 15th
9:00 AM C.O.D.A.-202EB
3:00 PM Parents’ Night Out-CC
5:30 PM Recital-sanctuary
Sunday, 16th
8:30 AM Blood Drive-Covenant Center
9:00 AM Sunday School for All Ages
11:45 AM Children’s Choirs Party-EB201-5
2:00 PM UMYF Party-Mauldin house
3:00 PM Set-up for ECDP Programs-sanctuary
Sunday Highlights – December 16, Third Sunday of Advent
Sarah Knibbs
Sherry Dunn and Randy Lasley
Cory Bowes
John McLaughlin and Tim Shepardson
Next Week’s Highlights
ECDP Christmas Program
Wednesday, December 17 and Thursday, December 20
9:15 am
in the sanctuary
Christmas Eve Worship
Family Worship – Monday, December 24 at 5:30 pm
Candlelight Worship – Monday, December 24 at 7:00 pm
Communion & Candlelight Worship – Monday, December 24 at 11:00 pm
Coming in 2019!
A Year in the Bible
Starting January 1, we, as a congregation, will begin reading the Bible in chronological order.
Sanctuary Class
Starting January 13
9:00 am Sundays in the sanctuary
Adult Mission Trip to Sinton, TX – February 7-10
Holy Covenant UMC is taking a mission long-weekend trip to the Texas coast to continue helping in the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts. We will leave (after work) Thursday Feb 7th. We will help arrange car pools for those who want to drive and those who want to ride depending on the time they are able to leave. We will work Friday and Saturday. We will return home Sunday February 10th. Cost is $80, plus travel and food. (We will work out logistics once we know who is going). Sign up at Adult Mission Trip where you will find a link to forms you will need to complete.
You can support Holy Covenant while you shop. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to your favorite charitable organization. To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile. Select Holy Covenant United Methodist Church to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation.
Highlights Outside Holy Covenant
Wesleyan Heritage Tour
Bishop Michael McKee will be leading a Wesley Heritage trip in October 2019. Branda and Bill Mauldin are planning to go. It is open to all, but you must sign up right now! We will visit Epworth, Oxford, Bristol, and London. We will see where John and Charles grew up, went to school, and began their ministry that became the Methodist movement. There are add on packages to do more in London or go to Ireland. It is about $3,700 to go. If you are interested, go to travelwithus
or go to www.EO.travel/mytrip
Tour= HE19