What is Happening This Week 2/20 – 2/25/18

Lent written on a speechbubble

Holy Covenant United Methodist Church

What is Happening This Week

2/20 – 2/25/18

Dear Church,

If you are interested in running audio and video during worship, please meet for a quick training session this Sunday, February 25 at 9:45 am in the sanctuary.


Pastor Carol

Weekly Schedule

Sunday Morning Highlights – February 25, Second Sunday in Lent

Theme: Finding Our Way Through the Wilderness: Brokenness


8:30: Alex Knibbs

11:00: Anthony Garcia


8:30 Paul and Pam Duddleston

11:00 Rusty and Jill Yull


Dorle Herndon and Helma Gentry

Next Week’s Highlights

Falling Upward

We will have opportunities for people to come together to discuss the book Falling Upward and what ministry for those in the second half of life (40 and up) could look like. The first meeting will be Thursday March 1 at the home of Jim and Karen Guest (2408 Georgetown Dr., Carrollton) and the second will be Thursday March 22 at the parsonage (1021 E. Seminole Trail, Carrollton). Please contact Rev. Bill Mauldin for more information. Bill has a few copies of the book if you would like to buy one ($20).[email protected]

Enneagram Workshop

Sunday, March 4

1-3 pm in the Covenant Center

We will have another free workshop on the Enneagram on Sunday, March 4. Rev. Bill Mauldin will begin guiding you to understanding some of the nuances beyond just knowing your number. He will share with you information about the arrows that form the Enneagram design, wings, and more. This workshop will be 1pm-3pm. please contact [email protected].  

Highlights Around the District

Volunteers In Mission Training 

March 3, April 21 or May 12

10 am – 4 pm

$12 per person

North Texas Conference Center

500 Maplelawn Drive

Plano, TX 75075

For adults and youth that would like to help provide leadership for mission work this year in Houston or would just like an opportunity to learn some new information. Register at VIM Training.

Coming Soon

All Church Work Day – Saturday, March 17th

Egg Hunt & Cookout – Saturday, March 24th