What is Happening This Week 7/31 – 8/5/2018

What is Happening This Week
7/31- 8/5/2018
Dear Church
Holy Covenant will provide breakfast at the Austin Street Shelter on Sunday, August 5. We will provide breakfast for 400 men, women and children at the homeless shelter.
We are asking for the following donations:
-12 sandwiches (individually bagged)
-12 pieces of fruit
-12 boiled eggs in shell in carton
-Cases of bottled water/ juice boxes
-Snack/granola bars
We will accept food donations on Saturday, August 4 from 9am-noon in the HCUMC kitchen. We will also collect retail plastic bags for the residents to carry their food. All are welcome to travel with us to Austin Street Sunday morning at 5:15 am from the HCUMC kitchen. We will set up and serve breakfast. For more information, contact Rick Davis 972-814-5325.
Heather Hinton is still home recovering from knee surgery. A CareCalendar has been set up to provide food for the Hinton family during this time. To access Heather Hinton’s CareCalendar site, please visit https://www.carecalendar.org/logon/272557 and enter the following information in the appropriate spaces:
Calendar ID : 272557
Security code : 7564
Pastor Carol
Weekly Schedule
Tuesday, 31st
7:00 PM SPPR-CC211
Wednesday, 1st
6:30 AM Spiritual Journeymen Breakfast-Mom’s Cafe
6:30 PM Al-Anon-CC215
Thursday, 2nd
6:30 PM ReFit-CC
Saturday, 4th
9:00 AM Austin Street Food Collection-kitchen
9:00 AM C.O.D.A.-202EB
9:00 AM Sack Summer Hunger-Narthex
Sunday, 5th
9:00 AM Sunday School for All Ages
10:00 AM Summer Choir rehearsal-choir room
11:45 AM Auction Team-CC211
Sunday Highlights – August 5, Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost, Communion
Joshua McMurray
Andy Baldwin
Scott Schmidt and Bryan Jackson
Rodney Stewart and Jeriann Bayley
Next Week’s Highlights
Blood Drive
Sunday, August 12
9 am to 1 pm in the Covenant Center
Save the Date!
Welcome Back Sunday
September 9
Coming Soon!
Parents’ Night Out
Friday, August 17
6 to 9 pm in the Covenant Center
Ages Infant – 5th Grade. Reservations are required by Wednesday, August 15! Reserve a place for your child at hcumc.org. You may drop off and pick up children anytime during the designated hours. $10 per child; $25 max per same family.
Save the Date!
Holy Covenant’s Annual Dinner and Auction
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Loads of details to follow!!
Highlights Outside Holy Covenant
North TX Conference Laity Event
Aldersgate UMC
Saturday, August 18
9 am to 2:15 pm
This will be an opportunity to learn more about the proposed legislation on “The Way Forward” that will be considered by the General Conference in 2019. More details and registration at Laity Event.
Depressed Anonymous
Meets Wednesdays at 6:00 pm
The Colony Emergency Hospital
4780 Hwy 121, The Colony, TX 75056
Meetings are approximately one hour and are open to any person in the area who feels they suffer from depression and wish to find a way out of “the prison of depression”. We follow a 12 STEP program, similar to that of AA, and discuss materials relating to how one can contain or escape depression. The meetings are open-ended so a person may join at any time. Send questions to [email protected].
Holy Covenant UMC | 1901 E. Peters Colony Road, Carrollton, TX 75007