What is Happening This Week 7/23-7/28/19

Inaugural Dinner and Game Night
Friday, July 26
6 to 9 pm in the Covenant Center
We will have a Taco Bar. Bring your favorite family game board, cards or dominoes. This is about fun and fellowship, getting to know our neighborhood and church family. We will have a love offering basket for any donations guests wish to give for dinner.
A 45th Anniversary T-shirt contest will be announced. Winners will be announced at our next family dinner on August 23rd.
Parents’ Night Out
Saturday, July 27 from 5 pm to 9 pm
Ages Infant – 5th Grade. Reservations are required by Wednesday, July 24!
Reserve a place for your child at hcumc.org. You may drop off and pick up children anytime during the designated hours. Cost is $10 per child; $25 max per family.
Holy Conversation
Sunday, July 28 following worship
We will meet in the Covenant Center for a pizza lunch and round-table discussion. We will work together to craft a proposal to be voted on in August.
Pizza will be provided and donations will be appreciated.
Weekly Schedule
Tuesday, 23rd
Youth Week: Escape Room-Offsite
6:30 PM SPPR-CC213
7:00 PM Finance-CC211
7:00 PM Trustees-CC215
Wednesday, 24th
6:30 PM Youth Week: Wacky Games, Messy Olympics-CC
Friday, 26th
6:00 PM Dinner & Game Night-CC
Saturday, 27th
9:00 AM C.O.D.A.-202EB
2:00 PM Kevin Waida Court of Honor-sanctuary
5:00 PM Parents Night Out-CC
Sunday, 28th
9:00 AM Sunday School for All Ages
12:00 PM Holy Conversation-CC
Sunday Highlights – July 28, Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
Sarah Knibbs
Becky and Travis Williams
Ryan Baumgardner
Julie Fuller and Stephanie Knibbs
Next Week’s Highlights
Breakfast for Austin Street
Saturday, August 3 – Food Donations
Sunday, August 4 – Food Delivery
Holy Covenant is providing breakfast at the Austin Street Shelter at 6:00 am on Sunday, August 4. We will provide breakfast for 400 men, women and children at the homeless shelter.
We will provide:
12 sandwiches (individually bagged)
12 pieces fruit
12 boiled eggs in shell in carton
Cases of bottled water/juice boxes
Snack/granola bars
We will receive all food donations on Saturday, August 3 from 9 am-noon in the HCUMC kitchen. All are welcome to travel with us to Austin Street on Sunday morning at 5:15 am from the HCUMC kitchen. We will drive to Austin Street, set up and serve breakfast. We will also collect retail plastic bags for the residents to carry their food because all residents must leave the shelter at 7:00 am. For more information, contact Rick Davis 972-814-5325.
Sack Summer Hunger
Saturdays through August 3
9 am to noon
During the school year, many of the children in our community benefit from the free/reduced lunch program which provides them with breakfast and lunch for free or at a reduced cost. However, when school is out for the summer, the program is not available. We partner with Metrocrest (Social Services) to bridge this gap with the Sack Summer Hunger program. The program provides breakfast, lunch and snacks for school-aged children throughout the summer. The families receive a sack of food for each school-aged child in their household. Each Saturday during the summer, they can either pick up the bags from the church or have them delivered to their homes. Volunteers are needed to help make this program successful. There are sign-up sheets in the Narthex for delivery drivers, distribution at church, and to help pick up the food from Metrocrest. The biggest need right now is the delivery drivers and produce pick-up from Metrocrest. You do not have to commit to do every Saturday. You just sign up for the Saturdays that you are available. Please help us to continue our mission to serve the kids in our community. If you have questions, please contact Ashley Norris [email protected].
Sunday School Teachers
Children’s Formation is recruiting fall Sunday school teachers for the PreK/K, 4/5, and youth classes as well as substitutes. If you are willing to teach or sub, please contact Melanie Luce, Children’s Formation chair, or Erin Shepardson. The fall session will begin on Sept 8th.
If you are concerned about becoming disconnected from your regular Sunday school class, find a co-teacher that you can lead with and/or alternate Sundays.
There will be a teacher and substitute training on August 11th during the Sunday school hour in the sanctuary. If you cannot make that training but want to help, please contact Erin Shepardson.
2019: A Year in the Bible
Feel like you’ve missed the boat on reading the Bible in chronological order? Don’t! You can jump right in in any of the following ways:
1. Download the free Bible app by You Version. This link should take you to the group from Holy Covenant that are doing this reading together: Invitation.
2. You can use the link above on-line as well. If you don’t want to be connected to others you can just go to bible.com. Go to plans and search The One Year Chronological Bible.
3. You can listen to The One Year Chronological Bible through Audible.com at Audiobook or you can download the app and listen to it on your phone.
4. You can buy a The One Year Chronological Bible in book form through Amazon at Amazon or download it to your Kindle or E-Reader.
5. You can use any Bible you want and follow this print out that tells you what scriptures to read each day: Reading Plan.
Support Holy Covenant While You Shop
You can support Holy Covenant while you shop. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to your favorite charitable organization. To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile. Select Holy Covenant United Methodist Church to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation.
Highlights Outside Holy Covenant:
Donations Requested for Dallas Responds Respite Center
About the Respite Center
In response to requests from Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins and the Dallas Office of Welcoming Communities and Immigrant Affairs, Faith Forward Dallas at Thanks-Giving Square, a collaborative convening of many of the area’s multi-faith clergy and non-profit organizations has brought together the volunteer resources necessary to respond to help our border cities handle the overwhelming influx of legal asylum seekers by acting as intake and respite centers, compassionate caregivers, and expediters/facilitators of their travel.
Donation Needs
We are receiving support and donations from many communities. To help streamline donations from the community, we are maintaining a list of current needs.
Where to Donate
Click here to view the most current list of Donation Needs.
We will be accepting donations at Oak Lawn United Methodist Church in Dallas Monday – Saturday from 12 – 6 pm beginning on Saturday, June 8th. There is a separate donation entrance location at the back of the parking lot near the playground entrance. Please looks for signs.
Please do not leave donations by the door outside of the designated hours.
How You Can Help Make our Respite Center a Success
While we cannot be successful without your generous support, we have a few suggestions that will help ensure we are able to provide compassionate care to asylum seekers in an organized, well-run center:
• Pre-sort and clearly label donations as you’re able
• Follow the list of donation needs and donation don’ts (above link to donation list)
• Donate during the designated hours
Thank You!
Thank you so much for your interest in donating! Without the support of people like you, we would not be able to provide compassionate care to the asylum-seeking families arriving at our new center.