What is Happening This Week 4/21-4/26/20

We hope you are joining us for online worship on Facebook Live. We will be on Facebook again this Sunday at 10:30 am. If you have missed any of the services, or do not use Facebook, you may also find them on our website hcumc.org.
Thank you to everyone who answered Pastor Carol’s request, delivered during our online Easter worship, to help with Feeding Our Neighbor. Thanks to those who donated food and money and to those who volunteered time to fill bags and give out food, we were able to serve over 65 families! Please see below for a chance to serve our community again. .
Now for some distractions! Here are scripture placemats for kids to color. And here are scripture placemats for adults to color.
Message from the Food Pantry Team
The “Feeding Our Neighbor” mission was so successful this past weekend that we would like to try to do it again on May 3rd. In order to do that, we need to restock our Pantry.
To make 70 more sets of bags we need the following foods:
70 jars of peanut butter
14 2-pound bags of dry beans
56 boxes of cereal
6 cans of beef stew
175 cans of soup
41 cans of chili
70 packages of pasta
127 cans or jars of pasta sauce
You are not expected to bring all of a certain food that we need, but if you can donate a portion of one of the items, it would certainly be appreciated. You may let us know what you plan to donate by signing up HERE. I will be at the church to receive donations this Friday, April 24th, from 10:00 to 12:00. If that time is not good for you, please feel free to call or text me at 214-862-8683, and I will meet you at the church to receive your donation.
Lois Eaton
Prayers of the People:
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:
The Kiplinger family on the death of Dale.
The Parsons family on the death of Toni’s nephew Chad.
The Kees family on the death of Ashley’s father.
Susan McAnally recovering from foot surgery.
Sharyn Yetman recovering from surgery.
Charles Holley in need of employment.
Betty Morse dealing with health issues.
Carlos Ponce dealing with health issues.
Susie Ponce dealing with health issues.
Those who have lost employment due to quarantining.
And continued prayers for the following:
Barbara Taake; Shelley Fincke; Barbara Wright; Aletha Craven; Mary Harrison; Florence Richter; Tyler Ackerman; Jojo Sain; and Mike Gilbert.
Pastoral Care Number 469-487-8432
Please use this number to share any pastoral concerns.
Scripture for Sunday,April 26:
Acts 2:14a, 36-41
1 Peter 1:17-23
Luke 24:13-35
If you would like to follow daily readings, they are listed here.
Ways to Help:
Breakfast for Austin Street
Holy Covenant is scheduled to again provide breakfast for the homeless at Austin Street Shelter. If you are able to donate food, please prepare 12 sandwiches, 12 pieces of fruit and 12 hard-boiled eggs and deliver them to Holy Covenant on Saturday, May 2nd between 9 am and noon. Bottled water and juice boxes are also appreciated. Please drive around to the kitchen door where members of the Spiritual Journeymen will receive the donations from you. The food will be delivered Saturday afternoon and it will be served by the Austin Street staff on Sunday morning.
Pen Pals Requested for Atria Residents
When was the last time you had a pen pal? Now is the perfect time to embrace the charm of classic correspondence. Our friends at Atria Carrollton would love to hear from you! Choose one of these story-sharing prompts and share a bit about yourself in a card or letter: What things from today will only be seen in a museum 100 years from now? What message in a bottle would you send to the year 2120? If you could be instantly transported to any place on earth, where would you go and why?
Address your mail to the attention of “Atria Pen Pals” and they will match you with a resident.
Atria Carrollton
1825 Arbor Creek Drive
Carrollton, TX 75010
Bags Needed for Mats
Our mat makers are staying busy making sleep mats for the homeless. If you have plastic grocery bags you would like to contribute, please contact Lois Eaton [email protected], 214-862-8683. You
may leave your bags by your front door and Lois will pick them up.
Everyone is concerned about finances at this time, and Holy Covenant is no exception. If you typically bring your offering to worship, please consider online giving.
March Giving:
Budgeted $34,365
Final $37,773
April Giving:
Budgeted $40,765
Month to Date $14,658
Online giving
Go to hcumc.org, choose Donate from the menu in the right-hand corner and under Online Giving you can even set up regular giving by choosing the Donation Frequency.