What is Happening This Week 4/7-4/12/20

Good Friday Worship, April 10 at 6:00 pm: We hope you will join us for a live-streamed worship service on Facebook Live. Find us at the Holy Covenant UMC Facebook page.
Easter Sunrise Worship, April 12 at 6:30 am: All you early risers, meet us at the Holy Covenant UMC Facebook page for a meditative end to Lent and observance of the promise of the Resurrection.
Easter Resurrection Worship, April 12 at 10:30 am: Join us at the Holy Covenant UMC Facebook page as together we celebrate the Resurrection!
Now for some distractions! Here is a devotion we hope you will enjoy and share with your family. Here is a drawing game just for fun. (Answers here.) For the kids, find a bible puzzle here.
Message from SPPR
Elliott Beard has a message from our SPPR team.
Prayers of the People:
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:
The Kiplinger family on the death of Dale.
Sharyn Yetman’s family on the death of sister, Marsha Renee Redding.
The Parsons family on the death of Toni’s nephew Chad.
Mike Johnson’s family with his daughter and son-in-law’s diagnosis of COVID-19
Susan McAnally recovering from foot surgery.
Jeriann Bayley recovering from an injury and surgery.
Sharyn Yetman recovering from surgery.
Charles Holley in need of employment.
Betty Morse dealing with health issues.
Carlos Ponce dealing with health issues.
Susie Ponce dealing with health issues.
And continued prayers for the following:
Barbara Taake; Shelley Fincke; Barbara Wright; Aletha Craven; Mary Harrison; Florence Richter; Tyler Ackerman; Jojo Sain; and Mike Gilbert.
Pastoral Care Number 469-487-8432
Please use this number to share any pastoral concerns.
Scripture for Sunday,April 12:
Acts 10:34-43
Colossians 3:1-4
Matthew 28:1-10
If you would like to follow daily readings, they are listed here.
Ways to Help:
Bags Needed for Mats
Our mat makers are staying busy making sleep mats for the homeless. If you have plastic grocery bags you would like to contribute, please contact Lois Eaton [email protected], 214-862-8683. You
may leave your bags by your front door and Lois will pick them up.
Sewing Masks
If you sew and have a little time each day, I encourage you to take up sewing face masks. I’m part of an amazing Facebook group called Making Face Masks for Texas They have hooked up with medical facilities all over the state to meet their needs. Currently their backlog is 3300 masks!
Every mask we make saves an N95 mask for a COVID case. There are thousands of cases where a fabric mask (with possible filter) can be used safely instead.
There are many, many patterns available, but one that requires no extras other than fabric is the AB Mask. It was created by a nurse. It has pleats that expand to allow a filter to be inserted if needed.
The instructions can be found here A.B. Mask – for a Nurse by a Nurse.
I will be happy to help in anyway I can. It took me a bit to get a rhythm down and figure out those darn pleats, so don’t hesitate to reach out. We can chat on the phone or even video chat through the first part.
Becky Balla
Everyone is concerned about finances at this time, and Holy Covenant is no exception. If you typically bring your offering to worship, please consider online giving.
March Giving:
Budgeted $34,365
Month to Date $33,669
Online Giving
Go to hcumc.org, choose Donate from the menu in the right-hand corner and under Online Giving you can even set up regular giving by choosing the Donation Frequency.